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Director: Prof. Fabrizio Tucci

Fabrizio Tucci Architect, PhD

Full Professor of Environmental Technological Design, tenured since March 2001 at Sapienza University of Rome, where he is: Director of the Department of "Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture"; Director of the second level Advanced Professional Course in Environmental Technological Design; Coordinator of the "Environmental Technological Design" Curriculum of the PhD in "Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture" of which he was Coordinator from 2014 to 2022.

Scientific Responsible for International Exchanges with the Technical University of Munich (TUM -Technische Universität München), with the French Universities of Brittany, Nantes and Nancy, with the Belgian Universities of Ghent and Mons (since 2007). Head for International Mobility (RAM) of the Master's Degree Course in Architecture-Urban Regeneration (2019-2022). Director of the second level Advanced Professional Course in "Bio-ecological Architecture and Sustainable Technologies for the Environment" (2012-2015). Chair of the Master's Degree Course in Landscape Architecture (2008-2014).

Scientific Head of the Executive Protocols of the International Framework Agreements between Sapienza University of Rome and the Universidad Nacional de Rosario-Facultad de Arquitectura, Argentina (since 2010), the Politechnica University of Tirana, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Touolouse, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nancy (since 2019).

Member of the School of Specialization in Natural and Territorial Heritage (since 2007); Member of the second level Advanced Professional Course in "Environment Culture Territory. Enhancement and management of minor historical centers" (since 2012); Member of the second level Advanced Professional Course in Environmental Technological Design (since 2016). Member of the PhD program in Environmental Design (2001-2015).

National Coordinator of the State’s General of the Green Economy for Architecture, promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Development (2015-2021). Coordinator of the Green City Network International Group of Experts (since 2017).

Since 1992 he has been carrying out research and experimentation in the field of environmental sustainability, adaptation and mitigation of climate change, circularity of resources, energy and ecological transition in Architecture, with a multiscale approach and multidisciplinary interface.

He is the author of over 250 publications including monographic books, articles in scientific journals, articles in class A and volume contributions, and he has obtained more than 30 prizes and awards for national and international design and experimentation activities.


Prof. Fabrizio Tucci -
(+39) 06 49919068/82/14
int. 29068/82/14
