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Map Library

Map Library



The Map Library is a service facility of the Department, open to students, researchers and faculty, aimed at the management, consultation and reproduction of photo-cartographic materials, basic, historical and administrative cartography and spatial information layers.

Main activities

Retrieval, cataloging and digitization of urban plans and photo-cartographic material, including through agreements with cartography-producing bodies, libraries, public and private cartographic funds.

Support to students in identifying and choosing the most suitable cartography for the study to be carried out; guidance in the use and reading of the photo-cartographic document.

Support to faculty, doctoral students, undergraduates and students who, for research or study, need to process cartography, spatial and environmental data through the use of software (GIS).

Processing and reproduction of cartographic documentation useful to teachers for the teaching needs of courses of study and higher education.

The activities of the Cartographic Library staff are carried out, in support of scientific research and university teaching, in coordination with the Department's PDTA Operating and Support Facilities (Library, Piccinato Archives, Laboratories, Research Centers, etc.).


Document searches and digitizations up to A0 format; computerized data and map processing; production and printing of thematic maps to support teaching and communication;

Supporting students in acquiring the necessary knowledge in the use of GIS software, vector and raster layer management, cartographic reference systems, georeferencing, and vector drawing.

Special emphasis on the management and processing of cartographic data available in the GIS environment and exchange with other GIS and CAD software.

Workstation and equipment

4 individual PC workstations; 4 places for consultation of paper specimens. 2 PC stations configured with A0, A3 scanner and A0 and A3 printer.

Technical Staff

Giovanni Longo: Cartography management and digitization, numerical cartography processing, consultation guidance.

Support for learning and use of GIS software, Cad

Scientific Responsible: The Director of the Department


Cartography services are secured by appointment by contacting the staff: - 0649919062 

Cartographies and atlases are not allowed for loan, it is possible remotely, to make requests for scans or partial extracts of documents (within the limits of the law), through the network for document delivery service NILDE , (Network for Inter-Library Document Exchange), to which registration is mandatory.


To submit your request through NILDE, you must first register for the service from the following link by searching for the "Library of the Department of Planning Design Technology o Architecture " found in NILDE.

  1. Fill in the necessary data for registration as a simple user; wait for the email confirming the registration request and subsequent "Authorization at: Department Planning Design Architecture of Technology at PDTA Library.

  2. After authorization, it will be possible to make requests for cartographic material by contacting the Cartoteca staff,, who will notify, if possessed, the correct titles to be entered in NILDE.

    In NILDE there is no specific field for requesting cartographies, therefore, proceed using the section "insert new reference" - "part of Book" , compulsorily filling in the title, author and year fields.

  3.  If the request is correct, the user will receive an Email with the subject line NILDE request ID : nn. If not already done, contact


The facility holds a considerable amount of original paper specimens mainly referring to the territory of Latium and central Italy, which are quantified as:

500 topographic maps; 200 thematic maps; 820 urban-scale aerophotogrammetric maps; 

960 regional technical maps, CTR 1991, CTRN 2003-2005 and CTRN 2014; See the union framework of Rome within the limits of the GRA

890 aerial photos; 910 cadastral maps; 89 urban plans.

Added to these are exclusively vector or raster cartographies, vector information databases, historical and thematic cartographies, and plans attached to atlases and monographs.


For risk management related to respiratory-transmitted infectious diseases, including COVID-19, prescriptions remain active and can be found on the following Wisdom webpage:


State Archive : Imago Project

Virtual consultation offers direct access to some of the best-known and most widely used archival series.  Gregorian Cadastre, Urban Cadastre, Cessato Catasto Rustico (U.T.E)

National geoportal

National access point to environmental and spatial information, all spatial and environmental information, among all those available, grouped by subject category, resource type and publication period.


Superior Institute for Environmental Protection and Research:

Map of the Underground Cavities of Rome, Digital Gravimetric Map of Italy,Small-scale geophysical maps, Small-scale geological maps, Geological and Geothematic maps, Historical geophysical cartography, Portal of the Geological Survey of Italy, IFFI Project - online cartography.

Lazio geoportal, (new layout)

Cartographic portal linking the Regional Geographic Information System with users, public and private. The GEOportal shares geographic information of the different territorial realities that characterize the Region. The Regional Spatial Information System Area (SITR) is the administrative structure in charge of producing and managing the geographic information of the Regional Directorate for Housing Policies and Territorial, Landscape and Urban Planning. All spatial and environmental information, is grouped by subject area: Basic Cartography, Aerial Photo Archive, Landscape, Territory and Urban Planning, and Environment and Nature.

Lazio Open Data

Open Data Lazio ( is the regional portal where data related to the entire information assets of the Lazio Region are published in open and reusable format.

Lazio Territorial Landscape Plan

Approved by Regional Council Resolution No. 5 of April 21, 2021, published in B.U.R.L. No. 56 of June 10, 2021, Supplement No. 2.

Lazio forest map

The Forest Map on a typological basis is derived from the Map of Natural and Semi-Natural Formations of the Lazio Region by deepening to the 4th and 5th Corine Land Cover levels of the Use Map. The types are characterized by homogeneity from the ecological, floristic and cultural point of view.

Lazio Technical map

On the Geo-portal of the Lazio Region it is possible to indivduate and download the Numerical Regional Technical Map 2002-2009 - scale 5000 in DWG format - elaborations of 2002 for the provinces of Rome, Viterbo and Latina, elaborations of 2009 for the provinces of Rieti and Frosinone.

It is also present in raster-only format Regional Numerical Technical Map 2014 , elaborations of 2014 - scale 5000 in PDF format  

In the union frameworks section it is possible to search for cutting elements at various scales or editions.

In general, for viewing and downloading cartographic documents, in the "KEYWORDS" section, simply select the year or topic, then click in the tab at the top right under "Download Document".

Lazio - Historical cartographic representations

in this environment from the historical cartographic representations of Latium has been assembled part of the territorial topographic maps of Latium from the collection of Amato Pietro Frutaz, The Maps of Latium, published in 3 volumes in 1972, by the Institute of Roman Studies. 

It is also possible to consult historical cartographic representations of Rome, part of the topographic maps of the Urbe from the collection of Amato Pietro Frutaz, The Maps of Rome, published in 3 volumes in 1962, by the Institute of Roman Studies.

Rome technical map of the province of Rome 

Regional Technical Map - elaborations of 2002 - scale 5000. 

Rome Province - Metropolitan City of Rome Capital - GEOPORTAL

Geographic Information System, GIS, of the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, divided into thematic areas. Access to cartography without registration obligation, Metadata Catalogue according to INSPIRE directive, updated CATASTAL Vector data, Mosaic of MUNIC PRGs with Unified Legend, WMS Services according to INSPIRE directive, Download of Vector data in SHAPE format, Map of Basin Authorities with ABTevere (PS5 - PS6 ), "Map of Real Vegetation -2014", PTPR Maps - Table A and Table B, New maps: Base Map and Competencies.

Rome Province Soil defense former geological service.

The Office of Databases and Spatial Analysis carries out activities aimed at maintaining and updating the service's historical archive and updating and developing thematic databases, functional for the analysis of cartographic and spatial information in a GIS environment and risk analysis to optimize control, safeguard and land management activities.

Rome Informational System - NIC

The New Cartographic Infrastructure (NIC) is an innovation tool of the Roma Capitale Geoportal and contains information produced, collected and organized by the Administration in vector/raster format.

Rome Municipality PRG In Force

Publication acts Resolution C.S. No. 48/2016 - Final drawing PRG 2008.

The final design of the PRG 2008 is the planning graphic compendium that started in 2003 with the "Systems and Rules" elaborates.  The final prescriptive drawing "Systems and Rules" records all the changes that have occurred and is the final representation of the PRG for each of the areas and components. The final result is the drawing of the Plan relative to the elaborates: 2. "Systems and Rules" 1:5,000, 3. "Systems and Rules" 1:10,000, 4. "Ecological Network" 1:10,000,which represent the final form of the prescriptive graphic elaborates of the PRG approved by Resolution No. 18/2008.

In the section Urban Planning Instruments it is possible to consult all the documentation : General Planning, Urban Regeneration and Social Housing, as well as the urban variants pursuant to Art. 208 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 and updates after 2008.

Turin - LARTU

Laboratory of Territorial and Urban Analysis and Representation: cartographic distribution service. It is possible to request cartography remotely, either through the dedicated page or through an e-mail request.Requests involving cartographic material of the City of Turin must be requested by filling out the online form .   Requests for all other digital material can be made through e-mail.For the IGMi (Italian Military Geographical Institute), software can be downloaded and installed for viewing the 25k and 50k IGMi tablets via Google Earth and Kml files.


Geofabrik was created with free, community-managed data such as those produced by the OpenStreetMap project as an alternative to the offerings of the top industry players. Such free data, have fewer licensing restrictions than other offerings.


Visit the Cultural Internet Portal : The new collection Prints and Drawings of Ancient Rome from the Library of Archaeology and Art History has been published on the Cultural Internet Portal 

Most of the documents come from the Rodolfo Lanciani Fund, an archaeologist who directed excavations in Rome from 1877 and taught Roman Topography at La Sapienza University.

The graphic documentation has been digitized as part of the "Europeana Archaeology" project, in which the ICCU is a partner, and will soon also be available for consultation on the website dedicated to the European initiative.

The Italian Geographical Society's collection of manuscript and printed maps has been published on the Cultural Internet portal

The project aims to put online the rare and valuable cartographic material kept in the Cartoteca of the Italian Geographical Society ONLUS.



Giovanni Longo 

Tel. 0649919062 - cell. 3393800375

Orario appuntamenti: da lunedì a giovedì dalle 08,30 alle 16,00 - venerdì 8,30-14,00


Dipartimento di Pianificazione, Design, Tecnologia dell'Architettura - 1° Piano - Via Flaminia 72, 00196 Roma