Top-level heading




Research represents one of the main missions, along with teaching, underlying the identity of the university institution. It is configured with an identity objective and at the same time as supporting the discovery and advancement of science in the field of Design.


It is the task of research to generate empirical evidence or perceptual results that can validate and support theoretical reflections, working on the procedural rigor of the research design, the completeness of scientific bibliographical references and methodological correctness in the organization of activities, the application of survey instruments and the processing and analysis of final results, as well as their public and scientific dissemination and sharing. 

Research for the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture also represents a quality indicator of the effectiveness and functionality of the same and its main protagonists: researchers, faculty and students who contribute to enriching and defining, through their research efforts, an adequate functionality and effectiveness of the structure, as well as a national and international academic reputation.

The research area includes within it:


University Projects


International Projects


European Projects


Contracted Activities