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Ateneo Projects

Projects Year 2022

Design as a Strategic Tool for Healthcare Innovation. Strumenti e strategie per la valorizzazione e il potenziamento dell'asse creativo tra Università e Impresa nel settore "Salute/Scienze della Vita" - P.I. Dott.ssa Angela Giambattista


Angela Giambattista


Sapienza University of Rome


Research Network Coordinator(Principal Investigator)




1 year


Research Objectives (SO)

SO1: Encourage aggregation processes between universities and SMEs in the healthcare sector to stimulate R&D activities through the discipline of design in a design-driven-innovation perspective;

SO2: Promote the dissemination of technology transfer tools and strategies, stimulating innovative solutions based on industrial research and experimental development;

Guideline 3: Enhancement of the excellence of the PDTA Department, in terms of technologies and skills, for the consolidation of an interdisciplinary collaboration network and the development of products and processes within the 'Health/Life Sciences' AdS.

Expected Results (RA)

RA1: A reasoned mapping of SMEs related to the 'Health/Life Sciences' AdS, useful for the selection of productive realities for collaborative initiatives between the PDTA Department and the productive fabric;

RA2: The search for ways to invest in terms of regional, national or international calls for tenders that promote aggregation initiatives between universities and businesses;

RA3: The consolidation of the research strand already active at the PDTA Department in the field of Design for Healthcare;

RA4: The setting up of an international research network that, by interfacing with the research realities already existing within the Sapienza University (e.g. Sapienza Interdepartmental Centre for Design Research, Sapienza Information-Based Technology InnovaTion Centre for Health, etc.), can promote the creation of a structured network of SMEs and research institutions for the experimental development of new high-technology, typological and performance products aimed at the Health AdS;

RA5: The publication of a scientific research report identifying, mapping and representing the ecosystem of actors and stakeholders in the field of Design for Healthcare made up of companies, independent researchers, research institutions, start-ups and new entrepreneurs, makers and digital fabrication labs;

RA6: The dissemination of research activity through scientific publications and at national and international conferences with particular reference to the scientific-disciplinary contents of Design for Healthcare and Design-Driven Innovation;

RA7: The organisation of a seminar on Design for Healthcare to share knowledge and best practices.


The project's external partner is the company GINEVRI s.r.l., as co-funder of the Industrial Doctoral Fellowship, 36th cycle, of the Department of Planning, Design, Architectural Technology of which the PhD student Gabriele Maria Cito is a member of the Research Group.


Gabriele Maria Cito

A network for the sustainable development of new digital manufacturing resources. Experimental survey for a design culture tailored to the Lazio regional context - P.I. Dr. Viktor Malakuczi


Viktor Malakuczi


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




1 year


The aim of the project is to establish a model of collaboration between citizens and small manufacturing companies and fablabs. Through Distributed Digital Manufacturing, the aim is to enhance digital manufacturing infrastructures not only as B2B suppliers, but also connected to a B2C market.

Projects Year 2021

An integrated multidisciplinary and multiscale digital approach fostering the decarbonisation of port areas - P.I. Prof. Davide Astiaso Garcia


Davide Astiaso Garcia


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




2 anni


The project is aimed to design, develop, test and validate a replicable multiscale and multidisciplinary approach that includes theoretical models for identifying and quantifying the potential Energy Efficiency Solutions (EESs) and potential of RESs interventions for the decarbonisation of ports.


Lazio Region


Fabrizio Cumo, Maria Grazia Della Scala, Francesco Mancini, Bruno Monardo, Benedetto Nastasi, Adriana Scarlet Sferra, Sofia Agostinelli, Daniele Groppi

Psycho Urbanism. Città, cura dello spazio ed inclusione sociale - P.I. Dr. Maurizio Francesco Errigo


Maurizio Francesco Errigo


University-funded research project SEED PNR announcement


Sapienza announcement SEED PNR


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




3 years


The proposal defines the concept of urban accessibility as an element and tool for interpreting the difficulties of access to public spaces in the contemporary city and, in accordance with regulatory prescriptions, seeks to define the minimum spatial elements for the conformation of quality routes and public spaces and, among the expected results, sets out to define a path of urban quality and design that considers accessibility as a key to interpreting the contemporary city that also allows for a reflection on morphology and fabrics and on the very form of the city. The main objective of the research proposal is to contribute to the promotion of an organisation of public space that aims to avoid spatial and social segregation and to promote an inclusive city that allows accessibility to all urban social categories and that also allows for a-temporal use, increasing safety and liveability. The research will integrate knowledge from neuroscience, psychiatry and urban planning into the cognitive and evaluative approach.


School of Psychiatry of the BIOMORF Department of the University of Messina Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association


Maurizio F. Errigo (Dep. PDTA), Marco Pizzio, Francesco Borzacchini e Rachele Paolucci (AISM), Maria Rosaria Anna Muscatello e Carmela Mento (Dep. BIOMORF Università di Messina)


Facebook page for dissemination and social inclusion 

Green hydrogen in island contexts involving municipalities - P.I. Prof. Davide Astiaso Garcia


Davide Astiaso Garcia


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




8 years


This study aims to identify the criticalities of on-site production of green hydrogen and its use in the Italian minor islands. The analysis of the results will provide useful know-how for research initiatives with increased funding and for the development of innovative solutions.


Davide Astiaso Garcia, Benedetto Nastasi

Back to (Data) Dasic Design. design, development and validation of Digital Education paths to enhance Information and Data Literacy in schools - P.I. Prof. Ida Cortoni


Ida Cortoni


Sapienza University of Rome


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




3 years


The general objective of the project is to develop in students critical digital skills in reading infographics - dataficacy - with particular reference to information and data literacy, so that they can develop responsible and conscious behaviour during media use and critical attitudes towards the wide variety of information conveyed on the web and mediated through data visualisation tools.

To achieve this objective, a digital education pathway will be devised, designed and developed in a school context - based on the logic of Inquiry Based Learning and Object Based Learning - that will make use of analogue media artefacts - such as educational publishing kits composed of modular infographics - to support the proposed activities.


Digizen srl - Spin Off Sapienza University of Rome


Prof.ssa Federica Dal Falco, Prof.ssa Giovanna Leone, Prof.ssa Letizia Bollini (Uni Bolzano), Prof.ssa Antonella Poce (Uni Reggio Emilia), Dott. Alessio Caccamo, Dott.ssa Laura Casaldi, Dott.ssa Raissa D'Uffizi, Dott.ssa. Valentina Faloni, Dott. Patrizio Pastore

DeH_ Design Heritages, Digital Archive Cloud based _definition of methodologies and architectures for archiving and digital dissemination of Design, Performing Arts and Material Heritages projects - P.I. Prof. Carlo Martino


Carlo Martino


The research aims to set the methodological system and the architecture for a digital archive on Cloud of Design projects (in all its articulations from the product, to the graphics, to the interior and Exhibit, up to the most recent declinations of Service and Experience Design), Performing Arts (staging, installations, etc.) and expressions of material culture developed between the 20th and 21st centuries in Rome, Lazio and in the national territory. The research starts from the concrete possibility of acquiring from the PDTA Department - Planning Design Technology of Architecture of Sapienza, through the aforementioned archive, donations from professionals or companies in the area, the design kits of authoritative designers or prestigious companies that risk the dispersion. Added to this is the need, made even more compelling by the difficulties in doing desk research in a pandemic period, to digitize documents and project artifacts from the past to make them available to the national and international scientific community.

The research project is fully part of the country's cultural and development policy strategies which, through the "recovery fund", want to push the country towards a more advanced digitization.

To this end, the Design Heritages archive, like many other examples that define the state of the art, intends to reveal itself in a digital platform also registered as a specialized newspaper, therefore with the ISSN code, capable of disseminating the documentary heritage of projects acquired under form of detailed cards with iconographic contents, drawings and critical texts, bibliographic references and what is necessary for the description of each individual project. The research team is composed not only by the proposer, PO of Industrial Design, but also by professors and researchers in SSDs L-ART / 03, L-ART / 05, L-ART / 06 and Icar / 16.


SUBRIZI Carla; CLEMENTE Maria Claudia; RUZZA Luca + (PhD students: Belluzzi Mus Carlotta; Cosentino Silvia; Fazi Riccardo) + (Other staff: Giacomo Frangapane; Falcinelli Riccardo; Maselli Vincenzo)

Climate-Pandemic-Proof Design: strategies, measures, technological systems for climate mitigation and post-Covid carbon neutrality in Rome's ERP districts - P.I. Prof. Fabrizio Tucci


Fabrizio Tucci


Climate change represents a real risk and scientific research has been mobilizing for some time, demonstrating that it is necessary to implement interactions between mitigation and adaptation actions through multilevel governance tools, technological innovations, changes in lifestyles. The pandemic crisis of COVID-19 has shown the importance of urban settlements and the building stock, highlighting the weak points of housing systems, urban organizations and lifestyles that are no longer suitable for withstanding multiple and converging environmental impacts. It is increasingly evident how deeply correlated the two crises of the climate emergency and Covid-19 are and how habitable space needs to be reorganized to cope with them, overcoming the current misalignment between different but potentially coexisting approaches.

The research project proposes to develop the ecological transition of urban districts in regenerative terms, referring specifically to the ERP neighborhoods of the Roman area - as a potential flywheel and "good example" provided by the public of a "deep renovation" to be spread in the urban environment -, through interventions applied to building stock systems and open spaces aimed at increasing climate mitigation and carbon neutrality, in light of the overlapping of environmental scenarios of climate and pandemic risk, and increasing the capacity for "preparedness", which requires a set of measures which make it possible to respond effectively and quickly to short, medium and long-term environmental impacts (climatic and pathogenic).

The research proposes the development of a framework of strategies and actions, structured on project measures and related technological reference systems, which allows the organization of interventions at the scale of the urban district (building stock and open spaces), based on demonstration projects with of replicability and adaptability to different contexts.


ANDREUCCI Maria Beatrice; BATTISTI Alessandra; CHERUBINI Roberto; D'OLIMPIO Domenico + (PhD students: Amadei Fabrizio; Giampaoletti Marco, Nava Federica; Pani Maria Michaela; Tulelli Violetta) + (Other staff: Florence Rosa; Nikos Fintikakis; Elisabeth Polzella; Héctor León López; Majid Mansour; Thomas Auer; Jan Roswall)

Indicators of sustainable regeneration of villages and interventions to reuse the built heritage for widespread receptivity - P.I. Prof.ssa Teresa Villani


Teresa Villani


The health emergency and the consequent contraction in people's mobility invite a rethinking about the opportunity to redistribute tourist flows to places characterized by less anthropogenic pressure.

A proximity tourism based on alternative itineraries to network attractive (but little known) places, allowing for authentic and unusual experiences, which is aimed at villages: `` the places of future living '', numerically consistent and available, on which to intervene with regeneration processes, to restore those positive relationships between resident people and the territory and encourage new forms of tourism.

The research proposal is placed, in line with the commitment undertaken by Europe towards a sustainable and resilient tourism ecosystem, among the recent actions for the revitalization of villages, networks of communities capable of becoming dynamic and synergistic regeneration devices through their 'qualitative' recovery and optimization of collective benefits in terms of identity and territorial capital, for the satisfaction of the "new needs of the community" which include the practice of widespread receptivity.

To this end, the general objective is to evaluate to what extent the strategies and solutions adopted for the receptive model of the Albergo Diffuso (AD), as a response to the new demand for sustainable tourism, can affect the regeneration processes of the villages.

Specifically, a fact-finding survey will be launched, supported by the National Association of Diffused Hotels, aimed at the development of sustainable regeneration indicators, starting from the relevant literature and experiences, and the identification of strategies and solutions for reuse of built heritage, characterized by limited impact on villages and buildings, by the use of upcycling logics and local natural materials, such as good practices in a responsible and sustainable perspective.


CELLUCCI Christian; DE CESARIS Alessandra; FERRANTE Tiziana) + (PhD students: Romagnoli Federica; Rossini Francesco Livio)

The circular process of materials for climate neutrality. Intervention strategies and options on the existing of the Eighties in Rome - P.I. Prof.ssa Serena Baiani


Serena Baiani


European policies increasingly direct the construction sector towards the redevelopment of existing assets, aiming to increase the efficiency in the use of material as well as intangible resources, and at the same time to enhance circularity also for the purpose of decarbonisation. The research identifies in the recovery of existing buildings the strategic opportunity to combine, in a life cycle approach, adaptive reuse (at the scale of the building, of systems, components and materials) and design for disassembly. The analytical and design methodology, from a circular and reversible point of view, is defined and verified by applying it to public building case studies, consistent with construction techniques and material choices, by quantifying the level of effectiveness achieved through a set of indicators . The aim of the work is to verify the effectiveness of the transfer of the Circular Reversible Building Design on the existing, in the Italian context, on ERP districts of the 1980s.


PhD student or research fellow

BEACH PRACTICES. Design-led exploration of bathing regeneration models - P.I. Prof. Vincenzo Cristallo


Vincenzo Cristallo


The research proposal entitled "BEACH PRACTICS. Exploration of models of bathing regeneration guided by design" is in direct continuity with three previous researches funded by Sapienza and dedicated to the bathing environment in relation to the contribution offered by the design sciences. Starting from "MEDONIA The design for the safeguarding of Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean beaches" (University funds 2016); and then continue with "GREEN BEACH. Design-oriented products, materials and actions for the development of the seaside environment" (University funds 2018) and continue with "COM.BEACH. Development of communication models based on infographics for the seaside environment" , (University funds 2020), BEACH PRACTICES represents their natural continuation in order to investigate solutions, behaviors and practices included in the themes of environmental regeneration. The research therefore intends to examine, catalog and evaluate the planning related to services, products and social events oriented to the "care of the beach" to scientifically define sustainable guidelines, models and methods also in consideration of the new needs induced by the pandemic.

It is good to remember that regeneration as a design practice and as a collective goal has many ways of manifesting itself. In addition to being normally combined with the principles of environmental sustainability, and including actions aimed at the recovery, reuse and enhancement of goods and services, over time it has achieved a "multisense" meaning capable of including models and examples with unprecedented and exploratory characteristics. Among these, the bathing environment appears explicitly, an area in which the complexity of contemporary living is fully manifested also in the mutability of the "regenerative genres" included in the perimeter of a "design for the territory" declined in connective values analyzed in ecological variables , spatial and social.


Miriam Mariani

The coenological and landscape role of species of the genus Quercus in the potential natural vegetation of some protected areas with a high degree of plant biodiversity in central and southern Italy in response to climate change - P.I. Prof. Romeo Di Pietro


Romeo Di Pietro


Environmental planning and design cannot ignore the fundamental contribution of plant ecology, floristry and taxonomy. Current environmental policies aimed at safeguarding diversity emphasize as biomes and plant formations but also the smallest microecosystems, or even the extremely multidisciplinary "Landscape", require the exact identification of species and the definition of their role in plant communities. Forest communities are multi-layered ecosystems where tree species qualitatively and quantitatively influence the specific composition and ecology of the undergrowth. The bioclimatic characteristics of the Italian Peninsula mean that almost all of the territory has a forest vocation. Global warming and recent climate changes put the functioning of forest ecosystems at risk and push towards the search for types capable of resisting the ever increasing aridity. In the Italian Peninsula, the Quercus genus plays a predominant role both in terms of specific diversity and global coverage on the territory. Italy is the European country with the highest specific biodiversity of oaks, hosting a number of species ranging from 11 to 18. The vagueness of the total number lies in the fact that some entities, such as Quercus pubescens (downy oak) or Quercus petraea (oak) show a high morphological variability for which numerous other species have been proposed within their collective groups. The present work is aimed at a study on the genetic, taxonomic and ecosystemic diversity of deciduous oaks of some protected areas of the Apennines aimed at drawing up the map of potential vegetation and environmental quality, tools that are necessary for the purposes of truly sustainable territorial planning.


Oliver Gailing (Professor Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding University of Goettingen) Paola Fortini (Associate Professor Department of Biosciences and Territories University of Molise)

Design as a Strategic Tool for Healthcare Innovation. Tools and strategies for the enhancement and strengthening of the creative axis between University and Business in the "Health / Life Sciences" sector - P.I. Prof.ssa Angela Giambattista


Angela Giambattista


The project is aimed at identifying the main lines of transformation in the Healthcare sector and developing strategic innovation actions guided by Design between University and Business, with reference to the production context of the "Health / Life Sciences" Specialization Area (AdS Health).

The project intends to pursue the following objectives:

- foster aggregation processes between universities and SMEs in the Healthcare sector to encourage R&D activities through the discipline of Design from a Design-Driven Innovation (DDI) perspective;

- promote the dissemination of tools and strategies for technology transfer, stimulating innovative solutions based on industrial research and experimental development;

- enhance the excellence of the Department of Planning, Design, Architecture Technology (PDTA), in terms of technologies and skills, for the development of products and processes within the AdS Salute

The expected results will be:

- A mapping of the SMEs connected to the AdS Salute, useful for the selection of productive realities for collaborative initiatives between the PDTA Department and the productive fabric;

- The search for investment methods that promote aggregation initiatives between universities and companies;

- The consolidation, within the PDTA Department, of the Research Branch Design for Healthcare (DfH);

- The creation of an International Research Network for the creation of a structured network of SMEs and research institutions through the collaboration with academic realities already existing in Sapienza;

- The publication of a research report that represents the ecosystem of practices, actors and stakeholders in the field of DfH;

- Dissemination of the research activity through scientific publications and in national and international conferences with particular reference to the scientific-disciplinary contents of the DfH and DDI;

- The organization of a Seminar on DfH topics for the sharing of knowledge and best practices.


Gabriele Maria Cito

Superfood: biodesign and circular economy - P.I. Prof.ssa Sabrina Lucibello


Sabrina Lucibello


The research aims to investigate in the field of design, both in a theoretical and experimental key, virtuous processes for the enhancement of waste in the food sector, within circular systems, in order to promote new food models capable of combining the needs environmental sustainability with those of fluidity and well-being, without however damaging the symbolic-cultural component linked to food and its territorial connotations.

Specifically, the research intends to identify concrete applications of some types of waste from the agro-food supply chain of the Lazio region, for the creation of edible pasta for 3D printing with which to experiment with new food solutions, defining a pilot experience or model applicable to the others. national territorial realities.

The innovativeness of the research is in line with European and international policies on sustainability issues (Agenda 2030, 2015; European Action Plan for the Circular Economy, 2018) and aims at sustainable and valuable processes in the territorial dimension, to influence on a global scale the mobilization of cultural change, which in this case, arises from a renewal of the experience linked to fruition.

In fact, design has the ability to foreshadow future scenarios and to play a key role in looking at waste from a different perspective, not only as a raw material, but as a vehicle of semantic and sensory characteristics, capable of giving the consumer a plus of emotional experience and a strong characterization of the final product.

The designer thus becomes the creator of a restorative process aimed at social incisiveness, focused on a type of "significant" production that bears upon itself not only environmental but also "cultural" responsibility for the products.


Chiara Del Gesso, Carmen Rotondi

A network for the sustainable development of new digital manufacturing resources. Experimental investigation for a design culture tailored to the regional context of Lazio - P.I. Prof. Viktor Malakuczi


Viktor Malakuczi


The project starts from the growing "movement" of Distributed Manufacturing, which aims to bring the production of products closer to their use / consumption to reduce waste from overproduction or distribution, while strengthening the local economy and thus making communities more cohesive and resilient. The approach has been studied in various European projects, but is still not very present in the Lazio region, despite a significant network of digital manufacturing laboratories.

The general objective of the proposal is to establish a model of collaboration between citizens and small manufacturing companies (fab lab, service), studying in particular the applicability of the Distributed Digital Manufacturing (MDD) in the regional context. Specifically, the project includes 4 specific objectives implemented through 4 phases.

OS.1 Understand who are the potential MDD producers in the area

OS.2 Experience effective productive and collaborative capacity

OS.3 Assume the appropriate communication and marketing tools and formats for the MDD in the Lazio context

OS.4 Understand the perception and attitude of producers, designers and (above all) citizens / consumers towards the proposed MDD model.

The research leverages on the previous works of the Research Group (GdR), including a recent survey on laboratories active in Lazio, a current educational program that develops furniture designs that can be replicated with the MDD, and other research that enhances digital manufacturing, in partly to obtain new material qualities, partly to facilitate customized production with an advanced computational approach.

In the long term, the expected socio-economic impact is to enhance digital manufacturing infrastructures not only as B2B suppliers, but also connected to a B2C market, thus stimulating the local productive fabric and resilience.


Luca D'Elia (PhD student) + Lina Monaco

Climate proof planning and regeneration strategies for adaptation to the phenomenon of sea level rise. Experimentation and innovation of the local urban plan in the areas at risk of Lazio - P.I. Prof.ssa Carmela Mariano


Carmela Mariano


Climate change, increasingly extreme and frequent in recent decades, is today at the center of the attention of the scientific and disciplinary debate and undoubtedly represents one of the next challenges that the "global risk society" will have to face, both due to the growing impact on cities and territories, and on the empirical evidence of the resulting economic, social and environmental damage.

Among the territorial impacts produced by the climate changes underway, the phenomenon of flooding in coastal urban areas, to which the rise in sea level contributes, together with a multiplicity of other factors, is undoubtedly one of the most evident. as also emerges from a recent Enea study "Sea-level rise and potential drowning of the italian coastal plains: Flooding risk scenarios for 2100" (Antonioli et al., 2017), which identified 33 Italian coastal areas most exposed to risk flooding due to the effects of rising sea levels.

In this reference context, the Research Proposal, in continuity with the University 2020 Research Project, explores the territorial context of Lazio, and in particular the areas of the Pontine Plain and the Tiber River, with the aim of defining a integrated strategy of resilience to territorial impacts attributable to the effects of the Sea Level Rise.

The aim of the research is to identify theoretical-methodological and operational references for the experimentation and innovation of the contents of the local Urban Plan of the urban contexts analyzed, with particular reference to the need, on the one hand, to broaden the knowledge framework of the possible impacts on the territory produced by climate change, and, on the other hand, to provide indications, categories of project intervention and site-specific actions aimed at resolution.


Marsia Marino

The occasion of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan as an input for rethinking urban policies and urban planning in the major Italian cities. First traces for a hypothesis of re-classification of public action in the field of urban regeneration - P.I. Prof. Saverio Santangelo


Saverio Santangelo


The pandemic situation that has heavily affected life and the economy in our country in the last two years represents only one of the factors of change taking place, also as regards the territorial and urban organization. Indeed, it is part of a medium / long-term framework which is already highly problematic in itself, for example characterized by a decrease and aging of the population, which shows no signs of changing in its main dynamics.

The "National Recovery and Resilience Plan. Italy Tomorrow" (PNRR) should constitute the set of policies and operational tools capable of overturning existing development prospects, currently critical and poorly governed, and re-orienting also the urban and territorial planning of our living environments of green new deal and social inclusion.

The proposed research aims to investigate those general and operational contents (policies, resources, tools) of the PNRR that in the short and medium term may affect the urban planning and urban policies of the major cities, bearing in mind the relative socio-demographic and local welfare, with specific attention to those situations of greater degradation and marginality which, more than others, require to be addressed according to integrated perspectives of urban regeneration, also open to bottom up initiatives and / or institutionalized forms of participation.


Alessandra De Rose (Full Professor, Department of Methods and Models for Economy, Territory and Finance), Francesca Perrone (Research Fellow)

Projects Year 2020

DECARBONISLE - DECARBONisation through the development of a european ISLand facility providing technical Expertise and financial support - P.I. Prof. Davide Astiaso Garcia


Davide Astiaso Garcia


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Ivestigator)




30 months


The project aims to develop a user-friendly simulation and prioritization energy tool for the analysis of integrated, multi- sectorial and multi-service energy systems. It will serve as a prioritization tool for identifying the most cost-efficient solutions for increasing the RES share in islands.


Davide Astiaso Garcia, Alessia D’Angelo, Marco Casini, Daniele Groppi, Francesco Mancini, Meysam Majidi Nezhad

Constitutional Reform of Roma Capitale. The City-Region as an Interdisciplinary Case. Organisational simplification and experimentation with new levels of government for capital cities in the European perspective - P.I. Prof. Maria Chiara Romano 


Maria Chiara Romano


Sapienza University of Rome


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




3 years


The project proposes a plurality of objectives, which require an interdisciplinary research method, instrumental in integrating different competences and knowledge, both legal and non-legal (urban planning, economics, geography), and take advantage of the comparison with the (more advanced) discipline of other European Capitals, which the project intends to compare with the (still unfinished) discipline of Roma Capitale. In response to economic, social, and urban changes in some EU Member States, at the turn of 2010, articulated paths of reform of the system of local autonomies were launched to account for the growing concentration of population in cities. These reforms share a common perspective marked by city-regionalism and, in some systems, have directly affected the discipline of capitals, as a functional strategy to link economic development, increased housing needs, and urban growth of the city to its regional context. Further objectives: redefinition of administrative perimeters, rationalisation of administrative competences, enhancement of strategic planning, comparison with the special discipline of European capitals.


Maria Chiara Romano (Scientific Coordinator), Maria Grazia Della Scala (Associate Professor of Administrative Law), Chiara Ravagnan (Researcher in Urban Planning), Elisa Apostolo (PhD student in Administrative Law), Davide Palazzo (Researcher in Administrative Law), Maria Cristina Pangallozzi (Researcher in Administrative Law)

Design between memory, responsibility and innovation:biomaterials as a resource for the future - P.I. Prof.ssa Sabrina Lucibello


Sabrina Lucibello


Partner del Network di Ricerca




1 year


The research proposes to investigate in the field of design, both theoretically and experimentally, virtuous processes for the transition of Made in Italy, from a model according to which SMEs are 'globalising' or even worse 'dispersing' in order to survive, to a system in which (also recovering the system of craftsmanship and memory), we can face the challenges of the near future, with particular attention to those processes that include experimentation on new materials of biological origin (biomaterials, growing materials, living materials, etc.).

From the 'Broken Nature' exhibition held at the XXII Milan Triennale, curated by Paola Antonelli, emerges a vision of Design capable of implementing a strategy of repairing the links between man and nature, no longer a distinct pole of the dichotomy that considers it in opposition to culture, but a system that encompasses the entire cosmos including human communities and cultures; studies and researches the multiple connections that unite human beings to their environments, ecosystems and cultural dimensions, which in equal measure have suffered the action of modernity, of a technological progress that has abused natural resources, extinguished languages and traditions and decimated cultural diversity.

The designer thus becomes the creator of a reconstituting process aimed at social inclusiveness, focused on a type of 'meaningful' production that bears not only environmental but also cultural responsibility for the products. In the current context of the joining of globalisation and connectivity phenomena, however, the local dimension re-emerges in what Manzini defines as a cosmopolitan localism, which combines the specificities of places and the communities linked to them with the new phenomena of cultural, technological, economic and social interconnection.


Cecilia Cecchini, Del Gesso Chiara

Motya at the center of the Mediterranean Sea: contacts, interactions and exchanges between cultures in the 2nd and 1st millennium BC -A multisciplinary perspective - P.I. Prof. Lorenzo Nigro


Nigro Lorenzo


Partner del Network di Ricerca




3 years



Archaeological investigations since 2002 by Sapienza inaugurated a new prolific period of research at Motya, a major Prehistoric settlement in the 2nd mill. BC and a flourishing Phoenician harbor-city in the 8th-4th cent BC. In 2018 Sicily allotted a special European fund to enhance tourist fruition and Sapienza was asked to improve its research commitment. This raised up to 10 the number of areas under archaeological investigation, offering new extraordinary opportunities to research. The earliest outcomes of this new efforts are the discovery of a favissa with animal sacrifices in the Temple of Cappiddazzu and of the inscribed Stela of Abdi-Melqart (Nigro 2019). 7 MAJOR RESEARCH LINES are pursued by an integrated and multidisciplinary team of scholars:

1. PREHISTORY and ENVIRONMENT: 2nd Mill. BC interconnections in Mediterranean (sea-routes, population, exchanges) and reconstruction of natural landscape

2. THE EARLIEST PHOENICIAN COLONY: features, components and chronology of Phoenician colonization as reflected by finds and urban layout

3. TEMPLES as PLACES of CULTURAL MEDIATION Phoenician and Indigenous features as visible in the Temples of Baal and Astarte by the Kothon & the Temple of Herakles/Melqart in the Cappiddazzu area

4. CITY-WALLS why and when Motya was given a monumental fortification line? Which are its main architectural and siege-craft features? What is its relationship with urbanism in Mediterranean

5. TOPHET: PE and LS approaches (ancient DNA) enlighten religious ideology and show how it contributed to the CREATION OF THE WEST-PHOENICIAN CULTURAL IDENTITY

6. CULTURAL & TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS and HYBRIDIZATIONS in materials and tools, traced by petrography, SEM, XRD, XRF, isotope and botanic analyses

7. DEMOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION reconstructed by means of an integrated study of archaeological data and territorial surveys on the site and its necropolises



Design, Artificial Intelligence and Museums. Interdisciplinary competences for a new economy of cultural experience - P.I. Prof. Lorenzo Imbesi


Lorenzo Imbesi


Italy has the largest material and immaterial cultural heritage in the world that remains partially hidden in repositories for different reasons, as cataloging, accessibility, logistic difficulties or communication. These issues are limiting the cultural and economic potential of the artistic heritage.

Meanwhile, the contemporary technological scenario is characterized by the progress of Artificial Intelligence (AI), in particular Machine Learning (ML) and Big Data. These can enable new tools for working with cultural heritage, from visual analysis to understanding behaviors, from historic research to narrative production.

The project aims at the development of an Expert System to support the curatorial, managing and exhibition work, while exploring the potential use of ML for the improvement of user experience in exhibition spaces (museums and other venues), with a special attention on promoting artworks in museum repositories and the management of post Covid-19.

The project involves 6 academic disciplines (SSD) with an approach of Design Driven Innovation.

Beyond the design and technical competences, the involvement of art history, psychology and marketing will help to achieve an innovative and sustainable model for cultural heritage promotion.

ML will be used for three main purposes: (1) to better understand visitor behavior and artwork perception in the museum space; (2) to improve the cataloging of artworks based on visual and semantic characteristics; (3) to facilitate the curatorial and exhibition design activity, involving the stored artworks.

The project is carried out in collaboration with the Ministry MiBAC and Lazio Innova, along with the scope of the regional center of excellence DTC, relevant for the regional application.

Moreover, experimentation involves three museums (Galleria Spada, Manzù, Boncompagni Ludovisi).

The project is a valuable learning opportunity for Design and other disciplines that still have a limited experience with ML.


ARICCIO Silvia; AVOLA Danilo; MECELLA Massimo; SBRILLI Antonella; VAGNANI Gianluca; ZANDA Stefania + (Research fellow: Marini Marco Raul; Massaroni Cristiano; PhD students: Azouzi Safouan; De Chiara Sara; Fagioli Alessio; Laureti Marta; Ludovico Nuccio)

Public city and new welfare. Urban regeneration for the right to health - P.I. Prof. Alessandra Battisti


Alessandra Battisti


The proposal is included in the framework of the research activities that the Group carries out on the issues of urban regeneration, as a reference strategy for the government of the contemporary city, which has as a priority the construction of the public city network for the creation of a new welfare. urban.

The complexity of the scenario, which the current pandemic has further highlighted, underlines the pathologies and shortcomings of the contemporary city, in terms of organization, management and functioning, as well as the negative repercussions on settled communities, in terms of the quality of life and the urban environment, depriving them, in many cases, of fundamental rights, including the right to health.

A scenario that recalls the urgency of a reflection that addresses, in structural and not merely emergency terms, the need for a reconfiguration of the structure of the components of the public city relating to the network of public health services, contextualizing it in the context of a more general urban regeneration strategy. The motivation for the research stems from this urgency, which pursues the objective of defining new theoretical-methodological and operational references for a reform of the NHS and its reconfiguration in the form of a hierarchical and inter-scaled territorial distribution network, guaranteeing the right to health for all settled communities.

For these purposes, the proposal, in contrast with the current organizational model, adopts an experimental and inductive approach, characterized by integration and inter-scalarity, which uses the physical-territorial dimension as a structural reference for the reorganization of the NHS. The intercalarity refers to 4 levels of investigation and project: regional, vast / supra-municipal area, municipal, sub-municipal / local; integration is guaranteed by the use of 4 complementary and interactive perspectives, territorial, urban planning, construction, public health.


CASINI Marco; MARCECA Maurizio; MONARDO Bruno; POLI Irene; RICCI Laura + (Trainee: Angelozzi Aurora; Giannini Dara; Jaljaa Anissa; Researcher: Imbesi Paola Nicoletta; PhD students: Meta Margherita; Paglione Lorenzo; Abouaiana Ahmed Abdelmalek Abdelrahim; Amato Chiara; Bevilaqua Giulia)

Communicating the Luigi Piccinato Archive between conservation and enhancement. Project of a digital atlas of urban planning, architecture, multimedia and data visualization - P.I. Prof.ssa Federica Dal Falco


Federica Dal Falco


For years, the communication of the archival heritage has meant making homogeneous and standardized forms of research tools available to expert and scientifically motivated users.

This approach eludes the question of a wider dissemination that, through innovative forms of narration, can communicate specialized data, but also civil and social contents. The proposal is placed on the side of communicative methodologies, such as visual storytelling, which make archival entities accessible in telematic, transmedia and multi-platform modalities, making use of new scientific methodologies, communication methods and fluid and dynamic structural relationships, in order to create networks of rigorously contextualized knowledge, marked by innovative approaches to documents, capable of intercepting a broader range of users to offer alternative interpretations.

The proposal takes as its research object the Piccinato Archive, a fundamental international resource of one of the most important figures of the Italian design culture of the twentieth century, with the aim of creating the "Atlante Piccinato", conceived as a repository of intrinsically active memories, from dynamic and shareable content. Piccinato's figure brings with it the complexity of the short century: projects, manufactured articles, letters, images. A variegated whole that studs his life and his works and which is a source of further narrations, experiments, projects.

The interdisciplinary, theoretical and experimental research envisages synergies between design, urban planning and architecture, communication sciences, performing arts, digital humanities and data visualization, with the contribution of the Piccinato Archive and the Photomedialab of the PDTA Department. The research paths through storytelling methodologies, data visualization and performance explorations structure the "Atlante Piccinato" platform dedicated to the knowledge of the architect's work.


CORTONI Ida; CRUPI Francesco + (PhD students: D'Amico Flavia Dalila; D'Uffizi Raissa; Li Xu; Parente Giuliana) + (Other staff: Zevi Sergio; Valentini Valentina; Riccitiello Luigi; Faloni Valentina)

Intermediate territories of Italy between inequalities, historical heritage, density and rights - P.I. Prof.ssa Daniela De Leo


Daniela De Leo


With reference to ongoing research at national level on what we have called THE TERRITORIES OF MIDDLE ITALY (Lanzani, De Leo, Curci, 2020), this proposal is defined as a possible opportunity for: a) deepening and strengthening the statistical framework national; b) field survey in some case studies of the Lazio region identified in the context of the previously elaborated mappings; c) identification of the framework of the planned and, above all, necessary transformation interventions. The geography captured by the mapping of middle Italy, in fact, has perimetered large territories, on the edge of metropolitan areas and outside the "Internal Areas" (as perimeter respectively by the Delrio and the SNAI), characterized by environmental and social discomfort in a context of general contraction and crisis of the more traditional production sectors associated with prevalent exclusion from the most widespread tourist enhancement routes. Within this framework, research focuses on:

- the verification and testing, with reference to the local scale, of the validity of the indicators adopted at the national scale;

- an in-depth study of the most evident fragility and consistent inequalities characteristic of some of these territories (eg those of the provinces of Frosinone, Latina, Rieti, etc.) especially with reference to the links between environmental emergencies and social problems;

- the formulation of ad hoc intervention guidelines, since these areas have not been the subject of targeted policies or projects that appear more necessary than ever in the face of the fragility of their territorial dimension.

The research will experiment, in particular, a direction of work that points to a renewed attention to the historical heritage, to environmental sustainability and to territorial and functional densities within a more ambitious satisfaction of citizenship rights.


CARLUCCI Margherita; DONVITO Giacinto + (PhD students: Piccinno Matteo)

The resilience of local health facilities in emergency conditions: prefiguration and assessment of the adaptability of existing structures to the needs related to COVID-19 - P.I. Prof.ssa Tiziana Ferrante


Tiziana Ferrante


If on the one hand the emergency situation following Covid-19 confirmed the quality of our national health system, on the other hand it highlighted its fragility as it is still too hospital-based. In many contexts, the network of local health services and related facilities has not shown itself to be sufficiently equipped for the management of patients not in the acute phase. Yet many regulatory and health planning devices have dealt with the reorganization of the "network" primary care system, promoting the integration between social services and health services, entrusting the Regions with the task of their reorganization. This has led to a proliferation of structures that have confused the operating model, focusing more on the quality of social and health services, than in clearly tracing the network of "physical places" where these services are to be provided. Starting from the concept of resilience, understood as the ability of the territorial network system to react positively to the action of a 'disturbing force' such as the emergency one to reach a new state of equilibrium, the research aims to identify which existing network (Health Homes, Outpatient Clinics), are more adequate. The specific objective is to identify an intervention methodology to prefigure and evaluate the adaptability of the territorial structures to accommodate the transformations deriving from new models of use and emergency management protocols. This evaluation will be carried out on a sample of territorial units using the tools of Generative Design to quickly identify alternative design solutions which, in compliance with the constraints, identify "resilience thresholds" to ensure that the care of patients in the structures takes place in conditions of appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency, quality of care and above all in safety.


TUCCI Fabrizio; VILLANI Teresa + (PhD students: Gualandi Elena; Romagnoli Federica)

Networks of cities and natural areas. Strategies, tools and projects for new relationships between small towns and rural landscape - P.I. Dott. Andrea Iacomoni


Andrea Iacomoni


The Proposal is part of the research, teaching and experimentation activities that the members of the group have been tackling for years, independently and jointly. In particular, these activities concerned the relationship, already addressed in the past, between territorial planning and urban regeneration, between environment and ecology, showing the current challenges that the discipline has to face. In fact, for some time urban planning policies and design choices have foreshadowed an essential change of pace and a different development model, which implies an overall rethinking of some consolidated practices and methods of intervention and the need for a profound revision of the themes, approaches, intervention tools, starting from a structural reading of the dynamics of transformation that affect the cities and the territory.

The research originates from the need to identify new sustainable and resilient urban models, investigating, with an eye open to interdisciplinarity, the relationships between urban planning, rural territory, infrastructures, the environment; indispensable to face the contemporary ecological, social and economic challenges that involve the current post-metropolitan condition, responding proactively to the environmental and socio-economic changes that characterize them. In a strategy of regeneration of contemporary living environments, the Firm, looking mainly at the national context, pursues the objective of defining new methodological-experimental and operational references for urban regeneration, with particular attention to networks and media relations spaces polycentric settlement systems. In this context, the need to consider the "landscape on the edge" of the city as a "functional node" of interchange and "urban equipment" is highlighted, in terms of public service that also guarantees a response to climate change and environmental sustainability.


GALASSI Antonella; ROSSI Francesca + (Specialist: Castrichini Flavia; PhD student: Uras Silvia) + (Other staff: Leone Manfredi; Lucchesi Fabio)

URBAN REGENERATION STRATEGIES FOR CLIMATE PROOF TERRITORIES Tools and methods for the assessment of vulnerability and for the identification of resilience tactics of coastal urban areas subject to sea level rise - P.I. Prof.ssa Carmela Mariano


Carmela Mariano


The report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2018 represents the current state of knowledge on climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts, an increasingly central issue in the international debate as it conditions on the one hand the protection of fragile territories, landscapes and urban contexts on the other hand uses, performance and efficiency of architectural artefacts and everyday objects.

In this reference context, the research proposal, in continuity with the activities carried out and still in progress, explores the territorial context of the Mediterranean, specifically the Italian one, starting from the results of an ENEA study "Sea-level rise and potential drowning of the italian coastal plains: Flooding risk scenarios for 2100 "(Antonioli et all., 2017) published in the Quaternary Science Reviews, which identifies 33 coastal areas most exposed to flood risk following sea level rise, with the goal of defining an integrated strategy of resilience to territorial impacts attributable to the effects of the Sea Level Rise.

The objective of the research is, therefore, to favor, on the one hand, the progress of knowledge on the adaptation measures of coastal territories affected by flood phenomena, and, on the other, to identify methodological-experimental and operational references that allow policy makers and the bodies responsible for territorial governance to adopt new development models within the policies and planning tools based on a newfound awareness of the man-climate relationship, with the aim of making cities and territories climate-proof, through actions of reconnection and reconfiguration of the morphological and environmental components capable of responding to the fragility and vulnerability of contemporary territories, differentiated in relation to the specificity of the territorial contexts.


DE CESARIS Alessandra; VALORANI Carlo + (PhD students: Marino Marsia; Vigliotti Marco) + (Other staff: Leonardi Sandra)

Perspectives and criticalities in the "reconstruction" of the urban milieu and urban planning disciplines in the health crisis - P.I. Prof Saverio Santangelo


Saverio Santangelo


In the condition of great uncertainty which, also due to the effects of the epidemic crisis in progress, will still accompany our social relations and the organizational and functional model of society for some time, the necessity-possibility of rethinking a series of issues pertaining to the "functioning" of cities and of our living environment in general.

For Italian urban planning this is a need increased by a disciplinary crisis that has been going on for some time and which, in the short term perspective, probably of coexistence-adaptation to a partially or post-epidemic condition, could require the redefinition of urbanistic references. qualitative-quantitative at different survey and project-intervention scales. It remains to be seen, therefore, if and how sanitary measures for the built space and the open spaces and urban planning can proceed, coherently, in a single direction.

The research project intends to tackle these (relevant) questions with (instead) necessarily limited objectives due to both the uncertainty in which we operate and their demanding intrinsic scope, and therefore with the awareness of the precariousness of research assumptions and hypotheses.

Starting from the ongoing debate in the national and international scientific literature, and through adequate recognition and monitoring of the regulatory evolution and of the interventions in progress (as well as an initial verification in a vast territory-area of medium complexity and with medium-small cities), the relationships between urban planning and possible spatial and functional adaptation measures due to urban health prophylaxis will be investigated - together with the sustainability of the interventions necessary for the revival of the economy - with the main objective of critically examining different interpretative readings of these relationships and verifying whether and how much coherence or incompatibility, convergence or divergence can exist between these important spheres of public action.


BIANCHI Giovanni; DE PASCALI Paolo + (Research fellow: Perrone Francesca; PhD students: Pompei Chiara)

FROM NEARLY ZERO-ENERGY BUILDINGS TO POSITIVE ENERGY DISTRICTS Knowledge sharing, ideas exchange, resources pooling, new methods experimentation and novel solutions cocreation towards a climate neutral European economy - P.I. Prof.ssa Maria Beatrice Andreucci


Maria Beatrice Andreucci


Europe is set to be a global role model in energy transition. It has made significant progress in building level innovations and is now stepping up efforts towards city-wide transformation with the pioneering concept of Positive Energy Districts (PEDs). Positive Energy Districts are an integral part of comprehensive approaches towards sustainable urbanization including technology, spatial, regulatory, financial, legal, social and economic perspectives. They require interaction and integration between buildings, the users and the regional energy, mobility and ICT system. In this sense, a Positive Energy District is seen as an urban neighborhood with annual net zero energy import and net zero CO2 emissions working towards a surplus production of renewable energy, integrated in an urban and regional energy system.

The EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) has set out a vision to create 100 PEDs in Europe by 2025. The concept of PEDs is emerging and the knowledge and skills needed for the planning and designing, implementation and monitoring, as well as replication and mainstreaming of PEDs are yet to be advanced. The challenge is cross sectors and domains; thus, the solutions can only be found through collective innovation. European research drives the deployment of PEDs by harmonizing, sharing and disseminating knowledge and breakthroughs on PEDs across different stakeholders, domains and sectors, at the national and European level. The overall aim is to establish a PEDs innovation research ecosystem to facilitate open sharing of knowledge, exchange of ideas, pooling of resources, experimentation of new methods and co-creation of novel solutions across Europe. Additionally, emerging research will support the capacity building of new generation PEDs professionals, Early Career Investigators, as well as experienced practitioners from and across Europe, aiming to collectively contribute to the long-term climate neutral goal.


Marco Delli Paoli (PhD student), Alessandro Stracqualursi

Subtraction | Addition I Design for Reuse and Design for Deconstruction insertion in the existing project - P.I. Prof.ssa Serena Baiani


Serena Baiani


The design of the built environment is confronted with an innovative process condition in which material resources are "designed" to self-regenerate, establishing a new cycle of life, re-founding things and the relationships between things, places and landscapes (Bocchi 2016).

Adopting a circular approach, in response to EU objectives, means rethinking the design and construction process taking into account the entire supply chain by maximizing the use of renewable materials / energies and resources from reuse and recycling (sustainable inputs); the extension of the useful life of the product through eco-design, design for deconstruction and replacement of components; the use of sharing platforms for the management of materials and products between different users; the adoption of "product as a service" approaches; end-of-life enhancement with reuse / regeneration / recycling strategies (Ellen McArthur Foundation).

The operational approach of technological design, with interdisciplinary contributions, can allow a complete application of the Cradle to Cradle vision to the built environment, through superuse / reuse of components and recycled materials on a large scale, i.e. not as a single design experimentation but rather as a reliable and widely replicable technical option at the supply chain level.

The technological project and the prototyping of an envelope component with reused and deconstructible materials for the recovery of existing buildings, built in the period 1960-80, will allow to evaluate the increase in resource productivity and verify the technical-economic feasibility.


Paola Altamura, Giada Romano (PhD student), Magdalena Tabak (PhD student)

COM.BEACH. Development of communication models based on infographics for the seaside environment - P.I. Prof. vincenzo Cristallo


Vincenzo Cristallo


The research entitled "COM.BEACH. Development of communicative models based on infographics for the seaside environment" represents the direct continuation of the research "Green beach. Design Oriented products, materials and actions for the development of the seaside environment" (funds Ateneo 2018) and even earlier with the research "Medonia. The design for the safeguarding of Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean beaches" (University funds 2016).

A follow-up that intends to develop - in the mediation of the results of previous research - a communicative project based on infographics for the story of the bathing environment by virtue of the functions it hosts (sustainable bathing) and the natural values possessed to be preserved as a resource and territorial heritage (sustainable natural resources).

Reading a territory is a necessary and complex action since it involves the interpretation of its characters (properties) and the construction of areas of meaning and shared visions so that these same characters are correctly displayed for those who have to act in the territory through targeted design conduct. That is, to ensure that the resources present in the territory are examined as a communicative landscape whose accesses it is necessary to understand and reconstruct, even more so if we consider the close relationship between the products and services included in these landscapes. In this context, Information Design - as a project of alphabets, grammars and visual syntaxes to elaborate and describe graphic-visual narrative sequences - simultaneously has the role of deciphering and setting up these "communication gaps" offered by the system-territory. A path that can be activated by identifying Data Gate, configuring Story Gate and even before staging Storytelling models such as to make the complexity of the data presented intelligible.


Miriam mariani (PhD student)

Land use, hierarchy classification of the landscape and vegetation analysis of the territory surrounding Lake Fondi aimed at sustainable management and planning projects, in the Regional Natural Park of the Ausoni Mountains-Lake of Fondi - P.I. Prof. Romeo DI Pietro


Romeo Di Pietro


The research project concerns a hypothesis of environmental planning of an area with a high environmental value such as that of Lake Fondi and the neighboring territories, located within the Regional Natural Park of the Ausoni Mountains-Lake of Fondi. The project represents a multidisciplinary study aimed at the objective assessment of the environmental quality and the formulation of sustainable management hypotheses by systematizing the thematic cartography with different themes currently available for the territory in question (lithology, geomorphology, bioclimate) with analysis of detail to be completed from scratch regarding flora and vegetation, presence and distribution of Habitats belonging to Directive 92/43 / EEC and land use at the 5th level of the Co.Ri.Ne landcover. The evaluation of the environmental quality of the territory will be performed through the indices most commonly used in the ecological field (fragmentation, connectivity, landscape conservation, etc.). The work, aimed at the protection and sustainable management of a territory belonging to a protected area of significant regional interest through the conservation of biodiversity and the implementation of the ecosystem functionality of its biocoenoses is also perfectly integrated with the recent dictates of the European Community in terms of land consumption and with the intentions of the bodies of the international scientific community.


Saverio Sciandrello (Researcher TD (DR n.1956 of 25 May 2018) for the competition sector 05 / A1 - Botany, ssd BIO / 02 Systematic Botany), Paola Fortini (Professor at the Department of Biosciences and Territory, University of Molise)

The eco-efficient comfort of environments in relation to the problem of airborne diseases. Passive and bioclimatic solutions and approaches - P.I. Prof. Domenico D'Olimpio


Domenico D'Olimpio


In recent years, attention to the quality of the air in confined spaces, with particular reference, in the context of this research proposal, to work environments, has become a central theme in the national and international scientific debate, as it is an important factor for the health of workers and users in general.

In indoor environments, such as in particular offices, commercial, industrial, educational buildings, etc., the air quality from a chemical, physical and biological point of view is correlated to various factors and parameters, as well as exposed to different contaminating sources . Among the pathologies related to indoor air quality, those defined as building-related illness (BRI), in which the BRI are characterized by very specific pathologies, which fall within the scope of airborne diseases, are those for which the research proposal in question aims to find solutions based on natural operating principles with high ecological-energy-environmental efficiency. More specifically, for example, the airborne biological agents in confined environments, capable of causing diseases in humans and therefore considered a health risk, include bacteria, fungi and their residues, viruses (eg . Rhinoviruses and influenza viruses). In the latter category, the problem of contamination by SARS COV2-19 virus has now been added, which requires a rethinking of the strategies and technical plant solutions in charge of controlling the indoor microclimate.

In this scenario, the research aims to identify strategies and technical solutions for achieving indoor comfort conditions in which these problems and pathologies are prevented, avoided, through the adoption of natural, bioclimatic, passive operating principles. able to ignore the use of traditional plant systems.


Fabrizio Amadei (PhD student)

Analysis of the transformation potential of residential buildings, with the introduction of a photovoltaic system - heat pump - thermal storage - P.I. Francesco Mancini


Francesco Mancini


The long-term strategic vision of the European Union contains a detailed analysis of the actions that must be taken for the transition to a zero greenhouse gas emissions economy by 2050. The scenarios outlined envisage the use of Energy Sources Renewables (RES) on a large scale. However, large quantities of electricity produced from RES (not programmable) can create problems in the management of electricity grids due to possible imbalances between supply and demand.

An essential contribution to the success of the strategy can come from the residential sector, which is now responsible for more than 25% of the energy consumption of the European Union; with this objective, restructuring interventions must be planned, more efficient appliances must be introduced, the use of RES must be increased, favoring self-consumption.

For this reason, the European Commission has called for stronger participation of residential users, both individually and collectively.

In the Italian context, however, the residential sector appears to be not very electrified and very fragmented, resulting therefore not very suitable for the pursuit of the indicated objectives.

The proposed research aims to investigate the potential for transforming residential buildings into electricity prosumers. Starting from an analysis of the existing situation (already developed in previous researches) the effects of the following interventions will be studied (i) introduction of photovoltaic panels for the self-production of electricity, (ii) introduction of heat pump systems for heating and for the production of domestic hot water, (iii) accumulation of thermal energy to store excess photovoltaic electricity using the heat pump and (iv) sharing of photovoltaic electricity possibly in excess of consumption.

Projects Year 2019

The Governance of cities in European Planning Systems - P.I. Prof.ssa Maria Chiara Romano


Maria Chiara Romano


Sapienza University of Rome


Coordinatore del Network di Ricerca (Principal Investigator)




3 year


The absence of European Union competence in urban planning has highlighted how European impulses have been transposed through environmental protection, configuring what the Germans have called the ecologisation of urban planning; the disciplines of spatial government in the Member States are still highly diversified in their outcomes. The project aims to identify through the study of comparison new criteria for ordering the complex relationship between urban- territorial planning instruments and sector plans. Starting from an examination of doctrine and jurisprudence, the project intends to seek and suggest solutions for a more coherent framing of territorial and sector planning, in the constitutional context and with respect to the economic, environmental and social objectives dictated by the European order.


Maria Chiara Romano. Elisa Apostolo (Dottoranda di Ricerca in Diritto Amministrativo Sapienza), Francesca Ribotta (Dottoranda di Ricerca in Diritto Amministrativo Sapienza), Maria Cristina Pangallozzi (Dottore di Ricerca in Diritto Amministrativo Sapienza), Paolo Lazzara (Professore Ordinario di Diritto Amministrativo, Università degli Studi Roma Tre)

Regenerating the coastal territories of the Middle Tyrrhenian Sea. Landscape itineraries for resilient communities along the coast and in the minor islands of Lazio - P.I. Dott.ssa Francesca Rossi


Francesca Rossi


Sapienza University of Rome


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




1 year


Contributing to the deployment of tools and actions capable of mending the relationships between the natural and man-made environment, preventing tourist pressure in the most vulnerable contexts, protecting their ecological and environmental values; enhancing their cultural and identity resources through resilient projects for the ethical and sustainable enjoyment of an inalienable collective heritage.


  • Lazio Region
  • Ponza Municipality
  • School of Specialisation in Natural and Regional Heritage


Francesca Rossi (RtdA Department of Planning, Design, Architectural Technology), Virginia Brosco (School of Specialisation in Natural and Territorial Heritage).

New operational references for the construction of the public city and the pursuit of collective benefits - P.I. Dr. Francesco Crupi


Francesco Crupi


Sapienza University of Rome


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




2 years


The implementation of innovative operational tools based on the principle of fair treatment of property, negotiation and participatory practices can effectively contribute to the achievement of a very wide range of public objectives and collective benefits.


Francesca Crupi, Lavinia Tommasoli

Design & Territory. Between memory, Technology and "know-how" - P.I. Prof.ssa Sabrina Lucibello


Sabrina Lucibello


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




1 year


The research proposes to develop a reflection, both theoretical and experimental, around the theme of Industry 5.0 (under the banner of Empowering people, i.e. the importance of man in automated processes, strategic for quality) in particular on the effects that the new technologies are having on material culture, respecting the design, technological and material memory of individual Italian territories.

These repercussions range from the modification of languages and techniques, sometimes thousands of years old, used to produce products that are the fruit of our tradition, to a reinterpretation of the disciplinary confrontation that has always existed between artisan culture and design culture, and even to examining experimentation and the transfer of raw materials that are now being depleted, with others that are more sustainable and therefore responsible.

A culture modified by the movementist phenomena of the Makers, the Self Brand economy, and an On Demand worldview aimed at Open Source activities. No less involved in radical processes of digitalisation, the reason for evolved production and consumption criteria as well as singular scales of values for artefacts now supported by unprecedented technological and ideological networks. The research project will therefore propose a contemporary reinterpretation of the languages and memory of the Italian tradition in the field of material culture (in particular focusing on traditional Italian materials and techniques), through the use of digital manufacturing technologies.


Cecchini Cecilia, Cristallo Vincenzo, Fattore Luciano, Trebbi Lorena.

DESIGN-DRIVEN STRATEGIES FOR NATURAL CAPITAL. Interdisciplinary methods for land planning; management, services implementation, attractiveness and accessibility - P.I. Prof. Carlo Martino


Carlo Martino


Despite the broad attention, both political and academic, to the theme of "Natural Capital", in our country a real economy based on it has never existed. Even today, the fundamental elements remain unclear: products / services to be offered, information flows, rules governing the territory, market transmission models, economic values at stake, assets identification and protection methods, transaction and value remuneration models for various public and private stakeholders , etc.

Nevertheless, in Italy a "Natural Capital Economy" already exists, thanks to the extraordinary evocative capacity of our cultural heritage, which includes a broader concept of natural capital, and to the versatile creativity of the operators, who act in the sector. However, it is necessary to go beyond the environmental economics typically promoted by the public decision makers, and to define a sort of "theatrical scenography" of the natural heritage, making visitors able to be attracted by emotional experiences in which they can identify and mirror themselves. In this scenario, by carefully reading the contemporary panorama of the demand for services and cultural experiences, the project aims at tracing in all its aspects a new model of governance and enhancement of Natural Capital and to define methodologies and tools that allow a complete and sustainable economic and social development of it. In this framework, the present proposal consists of a multidisciplinary project that, as such, requires the collaboration of different scientific fields. In particular, the interdepartmental project will be developed by experts in the following fields of study: design (in its components of Strategy, Services, Communication, Exhibit); territorial planning and management; governance, management; statistics; economic-financial analyzes; stochastic analyzes and forms of insurance coverage.


ESPOSITO FALCO Salvatore; GREASE Fabio; MARIANO Carmela; QUATTROCIOCCHI Bernardino; RENZI Antonio; RICCI Laura + (Other staff: Maselli Vincenzo; Caruso Ivo; Cucari Nicola; Mirone Francesco; Esposito Eduardo)

Pursuing technology / governance integration in the smart city: study of changes in the urban planning process (tech / gov in smart city planning) - P.I. Prof. Paolo De Pascali


Paolo De Pascali


This proposal constitutes a continuation and development of the line of research begun in previous years and concerning in general terms the consideration of the new canons of shared sustainability and inclusive governance in urban and territorial planning, with a particular focus on the aforementioned canons with regard to energy value. urban environmental. The current research focuses, always in proactive terms, on the combinations of processes and contents of urban planning in relation to the evolving concept of smart city also interpreted in terms of smart community.

In particular, the proposed research intends to explore the role of technological systems that characterize the conceptual framework of the Smart city to investigate its social and settlement implications, and to verify its use in planning and land management paths, according to inclusive models. and shared.

The research consists of the following macro-phases which are in turn divided into sub-tasks described in the proposal


creation of a Concept Map of the forms of Smart City in relations with the values of local governance, with the concepts of sharing sustainability, with the developments of the urban planning process.


creation of a critical and articulated repertoire of case studies / experimental applications in the two macro areas of Technology and Governance / Planning


definition of operational guidelines resulting from the analysis phases; according to the logic of the "translational path" that compares supply and demand in the field of Research & Development in urban and territorial study contexts.


This is the verification and validation phase through consultation with privileged interlocutors


Revision and final draft. Presentation of results and publication. Self-assessment and final reporting.


DELLA SCALA Maria Grazia; SANTANGELO Saverio + (PhD students: Innocenzi Tiziano) + (Other staff: Annamaria Bagaini; Perrone Francesca; Palazzo Davide; Musacchio Clara; Nicolarea Panayota; Cutri Maria Teresa; Colarossi Diletta)

Analysis of the aggregation potential of homogeneous residential complexes - P.I. Prof. Fabrizio Cumo


Fabrizio Cumo


The European Community has clearly outlined its objectives in terms of environmental sustainability, indicating ambitious targets for reducing energy consumption, reducing emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. In this context, the study of solutions for the energy requalification of existing buildings is of fundamental importance, as the building sector is responsible for more than 40% of total consumption.

These solutions must be framed in a new energy scenario, in which interventions are needed to enable the integration of renewable energies on a large scale.

To cope with the uncertainty of the production of electricity from renewable sources, it becomes necessary to provide greater flexibility on the demand side, through appropriate Demand Response (DR) programs. This flexibility must be sought in all consumer sectors, including the residential sector. In the Italian context, however, the residential sector is not very electrified and very fragmented, making it necessary to carry out a study aimed at evaluating the potential for aggregation of different users.

The objective of the proposed research is the realization of a decision support system for the evaluation of the different restructuring strategies through the measurement of their sustainability through a multi-objective optimization process.

The research focus will be on those portions of the building stock that are most suitable for aggregation, starting with the public housing districts built in the last century.

These neighborhoods were designed to accommodate homes, greenery and services, and were born with a strong vocation for inclusion and community, which can be recovered in a modern key with an energy aggregation as well.


CAPATA Roberto; PIRAS Giuseppe + (PhD students: De Lieto Vollaro Barbara)

HISTORICAL CENTERS BETWEEN ABANDONMENT, CONSUMPTION AND RECONQUISITION. International comparisons and proposals for renewed territorial strategies for sustainable protection and enhancement - P.I. Prof. Giacinto Donvito


Giacinto Donvito



Therefore, the aim is to relaunch and innovate knowledge and guidelines for action concerning Italian historic centers within an adequate and now indispensable international comparative perspective which: a) REFLECTS AND UPDATES THE TRADITIONAL ROLE OF NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION on these issues while without losing its wealth; b) allows to PREFIGURE NEW INTERVENTION ADDRESSES useful for resolving the numerous territorial imbalances generated in the last decades of inattention on these issues and, above all, of wide underestimation of the challenges of global changes and, therefore, of the orientations TOWARDS A REALLY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.

In fact, there is evidence on the need for an articulated response on a broader scale than that usually expressed by the subjects in charge of their mere protection which implies a broad rethinking of the tools to be put in place, of the methods of action and of the reference areas for respond to old and new challenges, through the essential contribution of scientific research that we intend to conduct here through a STRENGTHENING OF THE FRAMEWORK OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE and FOR THE PURPOSE OF A THEORETICAL AND APPLICATIVE ADVANCEMENT.


DE LEO Daniela; ZEVI Sergio Fabio + (PhD students: Cazzaniga Giulia) + (Other staff: Moral Andrès Fernando; Blanc Françoise; Bosch Joan; Delgado Alexandra; Cerletti Andrea; Barone Pasquale)

Green and blue networks as matrices of urban and territorial regeneration. New resilient planning tools and forms of shared planning - P.I. Prof. Irene Poli


Irene Poli


The proposal is part of the national and international research, teaching and experimentation activities that the members of the group have been tackling for years, independently and jointly, on the theme of urban regeneration, with specific reference to the Euro-Mediterranean countries. In particular, these activities concerned the relationship, already widely addressed in recent decades, between urban and territorial planning, and the environment and ecology, highlighting the current and unspeakable challenges that the urban planning discipline has to face.

The fragile contemporary territories, the result of metropolisation processes, are increasingly subject to the depletion of ecological and financial resources, to the serious consequences from a productive, social and environmental point of view of extreme weather events and to the degradation and homologation of identity landscapes. This recalls the need for an integrated approach that puts in place regeneration strategies characterized by the interaction between interventions of a physical, cultural and social nature and actions of an environmental nature.

The research originates from the awareness of the need to identify new sustainable and resilient urban models, based on the construction of green and blue networks, connective elements and multifunctional components that contrast the current conformation of the city and contemporary territories and that respond proactively to environmental and socio-economic changes that characterize them.

For these purposes, the research adopts an integrated and inter-scalar approach which, starting from the contextualization of the dynamics in progress, extending the field to the North European countries at the forefront in terms of environmental sustainability and adaptation to the impacts of climate change, pursues the objective of identifying methodological and operational references for the construction of green and blue networks as matrices of urban and territorial regeneration.


BIANCHI Giovanna; GALASSI Antonella + (PhD students: Uras Silvia) + (Other staff: Markus Schwai; Maros Finka)

Mobility infrastructure. Towards new interpretative paradigms and new operational tools for the resilience of European metropolitan cities - P.I. Dr. Chiara Ravagnan


Chiara Ravagnan


IACOMONI Andrea; MONARDO Bruno; VALORANI Carlo + (PhD student: Vigliotti Marco) + (Other staff: Cerasoli Mario; Baron Nacima; De Urena Frances Josè Maria; De Caro Annalisa)

Variable Property Envelopes. Systems and technological components for architectural envelopes with dynamic performance in a perspective of Green Building Approach towards an adaptive and sustainable living - P.I. Prof. Fabrizio Tucci


Fabrizio Tucci


The forces that act on buildings (climate, energy, information, biophysical environmental factors, human agents) impacting in a decisive way on their performance, are not static and fixed but transitory and in perennial mutation. This has important implications for the conception and design of the building envelope, which must transcend the role of a simple protective action that separates the inside from the outside and become a selective and multipurpose complex system in tune with the variability of the factors involved. The most recent scientific developments on the chemical-physical properties of materials, and - in an interdisciplinary way - in the fields of environmental technological design, electrostatics, microelectronics, micromechanics, nanotechnology, optics, fluid dynamics and information technology have opened up completely new potentials and scenarios for design of envelopes that can be called "Variable Property Envelops".

New high-performance materials, sensors and actuators that support dynamic operations and functionalities, such as the regulation of the light of a building, the transmission of air and sound, the thermal transfer and indoor air quality. The research program is part of the innovative and experimental studies of VPE, with the aim of addressing the issues at stake through research on envelope systems capable, like the human body, of interacting dynamically with the external environment, guaranteeing variable outputs as external and internal inputs vary. This perspective, typical of the "Green Building Approach", is radically transforming the way in which the design of buildings is approached, determining the need to provide a framework of tools to designers and SMEs - the expected result of the proposal - to articulate the complex series of information and support the development of the technological aspects-pr


BAIANI Serena; BATTISTI Alessandra; D'OLIMPIO Domenico + (Other aggregate solo show: Salvatore Paola; Fiore Cristina; Vespa Giuseppina; Turchetti Gaia; Di Nezza Pasquale; Rosa Florence; Fintikakis Nikos; Thépot Patrick; López Héctor León; Auer Thomas; Roswall Jan; Mansour Majid)

Progressing Evidence-based Design for People and the Environment through Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE): Methodologies, Practices and Tools for a Successful Feedback - P.I. Prof.ssa Maria Beatrice Andreucci


Maria Beatrice Andreucci


The Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is a key design goal to be achieved in building construction, since it strongly influences occupant¿s comfort, health, wellbeing and productivity. This ambition is especially relevant in public buildings, such as offices, schools, and libraries. Valuing the IEQ can be extremely challenging due to the involvement of psychological, physical and environmental factors. The "Post Occupancy Evaluation" (POE) is a "systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of design in the built environment from the occupants' point of view" (Preiser, 1995). Generally, POE denotes different methods of collecting and disseminating data on existing buildings that have been occupied for a certain period, and encompasses different research topics: air quality; thermal comfort; users' behaviors and influence on air temperature and humidity control; lighting and acoustic quality. POE methodologies are considered critical in order to guide and progress human-centered architecture. Goals, strategies, methodologies and tools for carrying out POE are focused on researches dealing with commonly used methods and tools, such as interviews, questionnaires, surveys, templates and focus groups. The evaluation approaches for indoor quality assessment follow three main strategies: the first one is aimed at measuring physical parameters related to indoor environments; the second one inquiries directly the users and their physical and psychological satisfaction; the third one tends to integrate the previous two. In Italy, the POE approach is still in a developing phase and has been applied mainly on public buildings. Among the various advantages offered, considering the relevant heritage building stock present in Italy, the POE represents a critical success factor in guiding practitioners and local administrators towards the correct assessment of most appropriate re-functioning of historical buildings.


Alessandro Stracqualursi (PhD student)

The architecture of the modern factory for the contemporary space: flexibility aka functional indifference aka maximum functionality - P.I. Prof. Luciano Cupelloni


Luciano Cupelloni


The idea of modernity coincides with the affirmation of speed, science and technology. The relationship is direct and substantial especially in the construction of workplaces.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the factories of the second industrial revolution take on characters of total rationality, they are distinguished by the intelligent use of construction techniques and by the experimentation of ever more flexible typologies.

The masters of the Modern Movement are fascinated by the manifestations of industry. It is a profound fascination, not only formal or aesthetic but intimately connected with the radical utopia of the new world.

Gropius, Mendelsohn and above all Le Corbusier look to North America and in particular to the work of Albert Kahn: a singular self-taught who between 1895 and 1945 created 2,000 buildings, mainly with Henry Ford, in the United States and in the Soviet Union.

Equally relevant is the European experience, where the pioneering introduction of new techniques of cast iron, the first steels and reinforced concrete finds a privileged field of experimentation precisely in construction for industry.

The reflection on the qualities of the space designed for industry - as the root of the Modern in Architecture - therefore constitutes a valid lesson, not only for architectural redevelopment and urban regeneration, but also for the conception of contemporary architecture.

Industrial space, its techniques, the logics that underlie it can guide us in experimental research, well beyond the objective of flexibility, to the notion of functional indifference, understood not as formless neutrality, but as the maximum functionality of spatial quality.

The proposed research intends to analyze the built environment - with particular reference to industrial heritage - not only as an environmental, economic and social resource to be redeveloped but also as a logical matrix for new forms and ways of building.


Marco Giampaoletti (Research fellow), Elena Gualandi (PhD student), Virginia Bernardini prof. contracted Dept. PDTA, Massimo Locci prof. contracted Dept. PDTA

Design for Cultural Experience. Multimedia design project dedicated to the history and memories of architects, architectures and events of the Faculty of Architecture of Rome (1919/1990) - P.I. Prof.ssa Federica Dal Falco


Federica Dal Falco


The multimedia research project is dedicated to the reconstruction of the history and memories of the main protagonists and of the events that have marked the identity of the Faculty of Architecture of Sapienza University of Rome and is proposed on the occasion of the Centenary Celebrations.

The research is based on the recognition, study and analysis of different documentary sources: from bibliographic references (monographs, articles in journals) available in the Libraries and Archives in charge of the audiovisual materials kept in the relevant Institutions. The identified periods (1919-1945; 1950-1968; 1970-1990); they constitute three important moments in Italian history and its design culture from town planning to architecture to design, but they are also fundamental in the evolution of the teachings and regulations of the Faculty of Architecture. The collection and cataloging of sources, in particular of audiovisual materials, is consistent with the interpretations - architects / teachers and their architectural works, main events - through which the research intends to return a vision of these significant periods. The systematization of the acquired data constitutes the first step of the research whose objective is aimed at the dissemination of the results obtained with different formats and different media, also providing for a scientific publication. The pilot project is dedicated to experimenting the interaction between virtual spaces and tangible spaces with the aim of verifying a mutual integration in the processes of use of the environments, in particular of cultural heritage and the digital art scene. The meeting between Design, Cultural Heritage and audiovisual archives constitutes an innovative field of study characterized by an organic and dynamic vision of Cultural Heritage, both tangible and intangible.


Flavia Dalila D'Amico (Adjunct Professor of CdlM DCVM. PhD in Music and Entertainment Sapienza University of Rome-Faculty of Architecture PDTA Department)

Identification and interpretation of community habitats aimed at planning the local ecological network in the regional natural parks of southern Lazio - P.I. Prof. Romeo Di Pietro


Romeo Di Pietro


The Volsci Mountains (southern Lazio) represent an area of great naturalistic value at national level. They are made up of Monti Lepini, Ausoni and Auunci. The southern subunit of the Volsci Complex (Ausoni-Aurunci) is home to three Regional Natural Parks. 1) Parco dei Monti Ausoni and Lake Fondi; 2) Parco dei Monti Aurunci; 3) Park of the Riviera d'Ulisse. Although these three areas are characterized by very high levels of biodiversity and retain unique landscape features in the regional context, their presence on the territory is still perceived by local populations as an impediment to the economic development of the territory. In reality, there is currently no resource management plan capable of reconciling and integrating in a virtuous way the anthropic activities active in the area with the necessary conservation needs dictated by the presence of unique or extremely rare ecosystems. A fundamental prerequisite for sustainable planning is the basic knowledge of the territory and in particular of those environmental types (habitats) that the European Community asks us to identify, evaluate in qualitative-quantitative terms and monitor. This research is therefore aimed at the recognition and mapping of the habitats present on the territory in question and at the proposition of an embryonic ecological network which, in addition to contributing to their knowledge and conservation, can provide important information of a management nature in the framework of future plans for organization and management of the Parks involved.


Paola Fortini (Associate Professor at the University of Molise)

PerformingSpace. The use of new technologies for digital amplification and storytelling of exhibition spaces through Mixed Reality processes and digital new media - P.I. Prof. Luca Ruzza


Luca Ruzza


PerformingSpace is a project that integrates motion capture technologies (digitalization of human movement, in particular of the performer), virtual reality, low media audio-video recording, sensors, in order to create an experimental "space-work" that shows the new possibilities of digital storytelling by integrating real environments and environments augmented by digital technologies. It will be a pilot project aimed at studying the interaction between virtual spaces and tangible spaces with the aim of verifying a mutual integration in the processes of use of the environments, in particular of cultural heritage and the digital art scene that will involve university students, doctoral students, researchers, museums and schools, cultural cooperatives, theater foundations.

A) PerformingSpace will use a Research through design (Rtd) approach: the design of tangible and interactive space through arduino hardware and sensors and the creation of virtual space (created and explored through htcVive) open a "third" space (intersection of real and virtual - mixed reality) used to gain new knowledge and understanding.

B) Physical Media will be explored through sensor devices in order to experiment the relationships between different styles of "fruition" today subject to an epistemological revolution.

C) The "virtual" works will analyze the relationship between object digitization and haptic restitution through interactive surfaces;

D) The best practices explored aim to crystallize new didactic paths that are created in the exploration of technologies applied to our artistic heritage; will be shared through the design of partnerships with cultural institutions and companies interested in testing PerformingSpace on the example of a framework agreement for collaboration between the Department of Planning, Design, Architecture Technology and the Roma Europa Festival Foundation.


Maria Claudia Clemente, Maria Grazia Berlangieri (adjunct professor), Dalila D'Amico (adjunct professor)

Analysis of flows and impact factors on the usability of the large museums of Rome for the optimization of the visits - P.I. Prof.ssa Teresa Villani


Teresa Villani


Large museums, as valuable 'containers' with valuable 'contents', have evolved over the years towards a complex system of relationships, characterized by the growing and articulated presence of services aimed at promoting social and cultural inclusion, participation, the interaction and more active use of the user.

However, it is precisely the enhancement of the services offered (refreshment points, conference rooms, etc.) that has contributed to a significant increase in visitors, with consequent problems of crowding and / or overcrowding. Hence, the need to study the development of tools and methods for monitoring, analyzing, evaluating visitor flows in relation to the configuration of the spaces, to improve usability, optimize routes and increase the overall quality of the visit experience. 

This proposal, in continuity with the 2016 University research (Wayfinding and environmental configuration in museums for the promotion of cultural heritage and sustainability: innovative materials and technical solutions), therefore has the general objective of showing the integration potential of the Spatial Decision Support System and ex post evaluations in museum spaces, for the sharing of intentions between operators, institutions, technicians and stakeholders and to support governance choices and use of cultural heritage.

More specific objective concerns the application of direct (Post Occupancy Evaluation) and indirect (configurational analysis) methodologies to three significant case studies in terms of 'tourist pressure', agreed with the Capitoline Superintendence for Cultural Heritage with which, for this purpose, an agreement is in place with the PDTA Department of Sapienza. The results will identify a critical framework and a valid basis for hypothesizing re-functionalization interventions for the optimization of usability, methods of use and travel times of visitor flows.


Tiziana Ferrante

Projects Year 2018

Paths of resilience. The reuse and revitalisation of minor railways for the regeneration of fragile territories. Experiences in Italy and Spain - P.I. Dott.ssa Chiara Ravagnan


Chiara Ravagnan


Sapienza University of Rome


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




2 years


Within the framework of the debate on strategies for the regeneration of inner peripheries, the research aims to identify methodological-operational references for the revitalisation, tourist reactivation and reuse of disused railways in inner areas in Italy and Spain.


Sponsors: Sapienza University, Roma Tre University, Tor Vergata University, Universidad de Castilla-La-Mancha (Toledo), UPC (Barcelona).


Research promoting group: Chiara Ravagnan (Scientific Coordinator), Francesca Rossi, Chiara Amato, Silvia Uras (Sapienza University), Mario Cerasoli (Roma Tre University), Gianluca Mattarocci (Tor Vergata University), José Maria de Ureña (UCLM), Carlos Marmolejo (UPC). Giulia Bevilacqua, Francesco Crupi, Cristiana Lauri (Sapienza University), José Maria Coronado, Amparo Moyano (UCLM), Domenico D'Uva (Politecnico di Milano), Valeria Saiu, Adriano Dessì (University of Cagliari), Fernandel Alfonso (UPC), Carmen Giannino (Presidency of the Council of Ministers) also took part in the research activities.


GDPR E DIGITAL SAFETY. A sociological survey on the digital awareness of Italian adolescents - P.I. Prof.ssa Ida Cortoni


Ida Cortoni


Sapienza University of Rome


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




3 years


  1. to investigate the type and level of digital awareness among adolescents aged 14 to 16 years, in order to provide clear indications on the degree of its uptake among adolescents for subsequent governmental policy investments;
  2. investigating family and school-based cultural and educational mediation strategies underlying the development of digital capabilities of adolescents;

  3. Analysing the initiatives and training projects, inside and outside school in recent years, geared towards the dissemination of aware citizenship. The starting assumption, in this case, is that investing in digital literacy in terms of implementing digital skills, especially with respect to transversal aspects, is the right path to take for the widespread dissemination of digital safety among adolescents.


Loris Di Giammaria, Laura Casaldi, Sara Pastore, Giuliana Parente, Veronica Lo Presti.

Tool Up [TU]: A multisciplinary protocol for urban regeneration - P.I. Prof.ssa Alessandra Battisti


Alessandra Battisti


Sapienza University di Rome


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




1 year


The research was aimed at developing a multidisciplinary protocol to promote urban regeneration through actions to improve equity in the health and well-being of the inhabitants of marginalised parts of a city through joint multidisciplinary work. The research group focused on quality of life and investigated strategic environmental actions as an articulation of networks and hubs, for zero land consumption regeneration, with environmental and energy control of urban metabolism - also managed with ICTs for efficient ecosystems, through the global health approach, the valorisation of local resources and energies as community assets and the development of community enterprises, and the encouragement of participatory processes.


Sapienza University Departments (Planning, Design, Architectural Technology, Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Social Sciences and Economics, Medical and Surgical Biotechnology Sciences) in collaboration with other local and national institutions including the Municipality XIII and the Rome Local Health Unit 1 (ASL)


Romeo Di Pietro, Maurizio Marceca, Carmela Mariano, Bruno Monardo, Fabrizio Tucci, Simona Casciaro, Valeria Cecafosso, Lorenzo Paglione, Rafael De Moura Pires, Asia Barnocchi, Alberto Calenzo, Livia Calcagni.

Closed-loop building materials. The harvest map as a design tool: first application in an urban district in Rome - P.I. Prof.ssa Serena Baiani


Serena Baiani


The design of the built environment is confronted with an innovative process condition in which material resources are "designed" to self-regenerate, establishing a new cycle of life, re-founding things and the relationships between things, places and landscapes (Bocchi 2016). Adopting a circular approach, in response to EU objectives, therefore means rethinking the design and construction process taking into account the entire supply chain through: maximizing the use of renewable materials / energies and resources from reuse and recycling (sustainable inputs); extension of the useful life of the product through eco-design, design for deconstruction and replacement of components; use of sharing platforms for the management of materials and products between different users; adoption of "product as a service" approaches; end-of-life enhancement with reuse / regeneration / recycling strategies (Ellen McArthur Foundation).

The operational approach of technological design, with interdisciplinary contributions, can allow a complete application of the Cradle to Cradle vision to the built environment, through superuse / reuse of components and recycled materials on a large scale, i.e. not as a single design experimentation but rather as a reliable and widely replicable technical option at the supply chain level.

The application of the harvest map tool on a complex urban environment, the potential Tiburtino circular district in Rome, offers an interesting schedule to test the feasibility of reuse on a local scale, looping the material resources already available and the flows that will derive from the foreseen building recovery and urban regeneration operations. The technological project and the prototyping of an envelope component with reused and deconstructible materials for the recovery of existing buildings, will allow to evaluate the increase in resource productivity.


BIANCHI Giovanna; CANGELLI Eliana; GALASSI Antonella + (PhD student: Angelini Roberto) + (Other staff: Altamura Paola; Conteduca Michele; Tabak Magdalena; Giordano Roberto; Capellini Marco; Cutaia Laura; Peeren Césare; Vocino Dana; Durmisevic Elma; Hobbs Gilli)

GREEN BEACH. Design-driven products, materials and actions for the sustainable development of the seaside environment - P.I. Prof. Vincenzo Cristallo


Vincenzo Cristallo


The marine / coastal environment represents a context strongly characterized by natural elements, artifacts and social practices.

A complex environment in which it is necessary to operate in terms of environmental and landscape protection, both in relation to the needs of the beneficiaries of the marine coasts and of the economic chains operating in the tourism / seaside sector. That is to say designing artifacts and services supported by the design sciences that update and integrate principles of coexistence between territory, people and artefacts, balancing the degree of anthropization of nature in the direction of a bathing inclusive of new priorities and sensitivities.

The culture of design with its particular set of skills and tools that come from the themes of social design, can orient project actions towards a territorial sustainability characterized by a strong relational component. In these conditions, sharing therefore becomes a form of co-definition of the project plan through cooperation between proponents and recipients according to a bottom-up approach that promotes community forms of actions capable of acting in an integrated way on strategic, organizational and planning, thus favoring the generation of inclusive and sustainable economies.

That said, the SPIAGGIAVERDE research has as its objectives:

- the study of the environmental problems connected to the tourist exploitation of the Italian coasts and, more generally, of the Mediterranean area;

- the identification and mapping of specific criticalities in relation to the environment and the economies of seaside tourism;

- the examination of best practices on an international scale relating to these issues;

- the definition of design-driven solutions and specific intervention methodologies for the product-service project;

- the design and prototyping of products - in collaboration with design oriented companies - for the sustainable use of the beaches.


LUCIBELLO Sabrina; RENZI Antonio + (PhD student: Mossaffa Orkide) + (Other staff: Sacco Roberta

Developing of an innovative wearable pollution sensor: MEPS (Mobile Embedded Pollution System) - P.I. Prof. Fabrizio Cumo


Fabrizio Cumo


Lastly improvement in buildings insulation united with molds and yeasts proliferation, and with the wide adoption of air conditioning had reduced air change rate inside buildings creating air stagnation and reducing breathable oxygen, leading to an air-quality impoverishment due to the presence of pollutants and toxic gases inside the rooms. In addition, molds and yeasts proliferation increases CO2 concentrations reducing breathable oxygen with several consequences on the health. The pollution issue is present also in the outside environment where the concentration of NOx to SO2 and micro particulate matter can exceed the limits. Basing on the WHO air quality guidelines, the concentration of several outdoor and indoor pollutants should be controlled. Prosecuting the activities started during the bilateral project "PRACTICE" (Planning Renewal Aging Cities Towards Innovative Cellular Environments) and "SoURCE" (Sustainable Urban Cells), where was developed an age-friendly integrated air quality sensor called HOPES (Home Embedded Pollution System, elected as "project of the day" by Sapienza) a new prototype of wearable gas sensor called MEPS (Mobile Embedded Pollution System) is presented, a smaller version of HOPES. The system is a wearable thought to analyze the personal breathed pollutants. The system proposes an innovative approach, focused on people more than on the external environment; before protecting the environment, it is important to protect people from environmental pollution. MEPS project will help in monitoring real time pollutants in air helping people to reduce their exposure to hazardous gases and collecting position data helpful to the authority for managing purposes, green district and emergencies identification. It can be considered a mitigation measures that will help to keep breathed pollutants concentration averagely under the recommended values.


MANCINI Francesco; PIRAS Giuseppe + (Research fellow: Gugliermetti Luca) + (Other staff: Colararieti Tosti Massimiliano)

URBAN THEORIES AND PRACTICES TO CONTRAST ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION & SOCIAL DISEASE. Innovations in urban planning theories and practices to combat urban inequality through renewed approaches to the enhancement of the historical and environmental heritage as an opportunity for local development - P.I. Prof.ssa Daniela De Leo


Daniela De Leo



This research is proposed, in fact, as an INDISPENSABLE STEP of a path aimed at building shared knowledge and STRENGTHENING INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE NETWORKS in order to better COMPETE IN THE ELABORATION OF proposals for future and more complex EUROPEAN PROJECTS (SECONDARY OBJECTIVE) such as LIFE, Horizon2020, UIA-Urban Innovative Action, etc., which then offer adequate resources also for the concrete experimentation and transformation of highly degraded urban areas.

Specifically, therefore, this RESEARCH WILL CONCENTRATE on:

- RECOGNITION AND DEEPENING OF CRITICAL CONDITIONS as considered by LITERATURE and by EXPERIMENTS conducted at local and national level;

- DEVELOPMENT OF ACTION ADDRESSES AIMED AT THE ENHANCEMENT OF THE HISTORICAL-ARTISTIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL HERITAGE in urban areas degraded from the socio-economic point of view and from the local development of the territory.

In this context, the CASE STUDY of a part of the V MUNICIPIO OF THE CITY OF ROME WILL BE DEEPENED trying to UNDERSTAND HOW IT IS POSSIBLE TO IMPACT ON THE QUALITY OF THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT aiming at the CONTRAST, AT THE SAME TIME, OF THE SOCIAL INEQUALITIES precisely through the enhancement of the consistent historical-environmental heritage, today underestimated, underused and heavily degraded. The research will therefore serve to build theoretical and applicative scientific knowledge but, also, situated knowledge, useful for finalizing the application for a loan that will then make it possible to carry out concrete transformation interventions. In this sense it is a scientific research that bends towards the third mission by directly involving the V contacts of the Municipality.


DONVITO Giacinto; ZEVI Sergio Fabio + (PhD student: Mobasheri Sara) + (Other staff: Barca Fabrizio; Cogliati Dezza Vittorio; Merino Gomez Elena; Delgado Jimenez Alexandra; Moral Andres Fernando; Perfetti Paola; Roy Ananya; Madanipour Ali; Schirru Maria Rita)

Design & Planning: development, planning and enhancement strategies of the Italian local production systems of artistic ceramics, in relation to the cultural tradition and urban and territorial regeneration. The Deruta Case - P.I. Prof. Carlo Martino


Carlo Martino


The Biennial research proposal "Design & Planning: development, planning and enhancement strategies of the Italian local production systems of artistic ceramics, in relation to cultural tradition and urban and territorial regeneration. The Deruta case", poses the objective of giving strategic answers to a sector, that of artistic ceramics which, strongly linked to the history and reality of 40 Italian cities, is no longer able to compete in the world market and is facing a profound crisis that also affects cities and territories. The research is part of the broader trend of the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage.

The starting hypothesis is that the "Design Driven Innovation" methodology can actively and synergistically involve Urban Planning and Economic Sciences in the SEARCH of complex and articulated solutions to re-activate Development, Enhancement and REGENERATION processes of the cities of Ceramics Artistic, acting both on the production system and on the re-functionalization of the city. The research that was born within the PDTA department, in which Design and Urban Planning are prevailing sectors throughout the university, also integrates Economic Sciences, with which the field of Design has already experimented with some past projects, the multidisciplinary research.

The agreements that the PDTA has already signed with some local administrations of the network of ceramic cities, including the Municipality of Deruta, which will represent the case study of the research, give real prospects for implementing the proposal.

The methodologies used will be the traditional ones of Desk Research and Field Research to which Research / Action activities will be added for the experimental development of application solutions.


ESPOSITO DE FALCO Salvatore, RICCI Laura + (Doctrand: Bevilacqua Giulia)

Growth machine in Italy? Urban transformations, income and political regulation in Rome and Milan - P.I. Prof. Barbara Pizzo


Barbara Pizzo


In cities, privileged places of post-Fordist socio-spatial restructuring, land and real estate rent is proving to be a fundamental mechanism and an increasingly important component of their economy.

The objective of the research is to verify the role that the rent (as rent gap) plays in the decisions relating to urban transformation projects and in their realization, both for private subjects, for whom the rent is connected to profit, and for subjects public, which through forms of regulation (planning tools and urban policies) and punctual decisions, can define forms and methods of redistribution, create the conditions for generation or increase, and seize the opportunities for transformation as an opportunity to profit from the space urban.

This theme is under-analyzed in the research and constitutes a research field particularly suited to the interdisciplinary approach that the research group can guarantee.

The research hypothesis is that one of the decisive aspects for understanding the decision-making processes at the basis of transformation projects, and the nature, content, quality of the projects themselves, and the material outcomes of their realization, is precisely the income, which it will be investigated from different disciplinary and theoretical perspectives, combining urban planning with a perspective of political analysis and governance.

The proposed research presents important elements of innovativeness that concern both theoretical and explanatory issues of the specific processes investigated. Among these, the identification of the factors that explain the specific outcomes of urban transformation projects and processes is emphasized: this identification is potentially able to contribute to the definition of regulatory indications on the same projects and processes in order to obtain more satisfactory results if considered, in particular, from the point of view of the public interest.


D'ALBERGO Ernesto; MOINI Giulio + (PhD student: Alessandra Esposito)

Territory, economy, environment: policies, plans and programs for sustainable and shared coastal tourism in the EU countries of the Mediterranean - P.I. Prof. Saverio Santangelo


Saverio Santangelo


The sustainability of tourism in coastal locations is an important research topic. It is because tourism, by its very nature, tends to "consume" local resources rather than to preserve them for future users. The research project intends to investigate: a. on some coastal localities of EU countries in the Mediterranean, about the possession / control of "tourist" goods and local resources; b. on the constraints that local communities can place on the use of resources to promote economic and social development without compromising their ability to meet the needs of future generations; c. on the forms and tools of territorial planning and local government of the tourist offer most suitable for promoting and sharing the sustainable development of coastal territories, in many cases, among other things, already highly urbanized.

The research project considers these and further problematic aspects (e.g. climate change risk), according to an interdisciplinary work perspective (territorial planning, economics, geography, law), international (with the involvement, first of all, of UPO, a Spanish university of Seville), and open to the competences of the Mibact in terms of protection and enhancement of cultural (and therefore tourist) heritage, including the landscape.

The main purpose is to investigate approaches, methods of comparison and decisions between government actors, social actors, economic actors and technical skills present in the coastal territories, in pursuing greater sustainability of tourism in those areas. The hypothesis that we intend to verify is that in order to raise its level and extend its scope, it is necessary: 1. to verify the real effectiveness, today, of traditional governance and planning tools; 2. consider the emerging forms of governance and territorial planning typical of the strategic-contractual approach, including specifically the so-called Coastal Contracts (also from the legal point of view of administrative feasibility).


BASILE Elizabeth; CECCHI Claudio; DE PASCALI Paolo; DELLA SCALA Maria Grazia

Metamaterials: new paradigms for design between structure and matter - P.I. Prof.ssa Cecilia Cecchini


Cecilia Cecchini


Today it is possible to create materials characterized by micro / nano-architectures that can be reproduced on a macro scale whose performance characteristics do not depend only on their molecular structure, but on the construction geometry defined by the pattern resulting from the combination of the basic units that compose it. It is a family of metamaterials whose spatial micro-architecture can be optimized in the design phase and preconfigured in order to respond to specific functionalities.

This category of materials / products is at the center of many of the most advanced studies in the field of material engineering and material design, thanks also to the improvement of additive manufacturing techniques that facilitate their realization, opening up new application possibilities. The responsiveness and scalability of metamaterials can in fact radically change the material-object relationship, and the possibility of generating movements between the parts of an object not through mechanical joints but thanks to the controlled deformations of the material itself, allows completely new applications in the field of product design.

And it is precisely the identification of their possible use in this field - still very limited today - the main objective of the research, which aims to identify the positioning of metamaterials in the context of materials for design; to analyze the main research areas by systematizing them according to a previously developed analytical-methodological criterion; to outline new possible scenarios of innovative use in the field of product design, in order to improve and enhance the performance of objects.


PhD or Research Fellow

Visitor Cultural Experience. Interdisciplinary communication project for museum enhancement: Design, Museum and Visual Studies, Choreographic and Performing Arts. - P.I. Prof. Federica Dal Falco


Federica Dal Falco


The research proposal is dedicated to Design for Cultural Heritage, with a focus on visual and multimedia communication for museum institutions, considering the synergistic relationship between architecture, museum and visual studies, performing and choreographic arts. The research is underpinned by a dynamic vision of Cultural Heritage and by the understanding of the ways in which the actions of design affect the historical data and the stratification, regenerating its meaning with material and immaterial projects. Museum communication operates in the name of dialogue between physical and social contexts, between ancient and contemporary and considers the role of visitors to be an integral part of the system in order to enhance and expand the use of the assets. The strong impact of digital culture on museums has transformed these institutions into hybrid and complex devices, generating new ways to activate curiosity aimed at learning and deepening knowledge through the interaction of the public with the media. In relation to this scenario, the museum space has increasingly evolved into an open place that catalyses events, acquiring the characteristics of the public space of the city and the territory. The research proposal, of a theoretical-critical and experimental nature, has a twofold objective and result: to advance the state of the art on the subject with scientific publication; carry out a pilot design project for museum institutions, using the MADRE Museum of Contemporary Art Donna Regina in Naples as a field of experimentation. The peculiarity and innovativeness of the project lies in its holistic and interdisciplinary vision which takes as exemplary references international projects including museums and visual studies and performing and choreographic arts in the sign of innovative interpretations of digital cultures, with the aim of broadening the use through forms of enjoyment aimed at acquiring and deepening knowledge.

Innovative intervention strategies and new technologies for the mitigation of indoor environmental pollution problems: identification of reference technical-design solutions for an effective technological-environmental response of buildings - P.I. Prof. Domenico D'Olimpio


Domenico D'Olimpio


The concept of "Sick building syndrome" (SBS), as defined by the World Organization in the mid-1980s, has evolved and complexified over time in the light of recent studies and research that have redefined its contents. Further and more specific declinations of SBS, such as the "multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome" (MCS) or the "toxic organic dust syndrome" (ODTS), are currently identifying specific aspects, linked to the healthiness of the indoor environment, which contribute to defining a framework of environmental problems of confined spaces characterized by increasing complexity, in which polluting agents of a chemical-physical nature, such as combustion gases, airborne particulates, volatile organic compounds, radon, electromagnetic fields; and those of a biological nature, consisting of bacteria, viruses, fungi, biological residues, etc., pose the need to identify technical and technological responses that are not posed as ex post responses, to be put in place after the construction of the building and when the problem arises, but as ex ante responses incorporated into the technological equipment of the building and capable of preventing the onset of problems and pathologies related to indoor environmental pollution.

The research aims to identify, also in the light of the most recent technological innovations deriving from new sectors and areas of scientific research, such as that of nanotechnologies, reference technical strategies and solutions capable of providing effective answers to the problems described above and constituting efficient measures. of mitigation, as well as such that they can be "incorporated" in the technological equipment of the building with the aim of creating buildings capable of adapting their indoor environmental performance according to the action and level of specific pollutants.


PhD student or Research fellow

Pre and post-occupancy evaluation in hospital rooms for the definition of strategies for the efficient use of natural light - P.I. Prof.ssa Tiziana Ferrante


Tiziana Ferrante


The term 'naturally lit building' means a building designed to efficiently exploit natural light through appropriate control strategies.

Many studies have helped to demonstrate how natural light plays a primary role in hospitals, able to facilitate certain healing processes and reduce hospitalization times (the circadian rhythm of users is mainly regulated by exposure to sunlight and from the production of melatonin). It is also shown that environments characterized by good natural lighting can have a positive impact on the control of anxiety, on the improvement of the performance and mood of the staff. While there are consolidated experiences on the design of artificial light in hospitals, criteria and strategies for designing hospital spaces through the efficient use of natural light are still poorly studied. The research therefore intends to demonstrate how the morphological, dimensional and material characteristics of the hospital rooms (as well as the characteristics and arrangement of the furnishings) can affect the level of natural lighting, to propose appropriate design strategies to use natural light efficiently. . The evaluation of these factors will be based on feedback on the performance of the buildings themselves (Building Performance Evaluation) to confirm the effectiveness of the choices made during the design phase. To this end, a study will be conducted on a sample of hospital rooms in a hospital in Rome, comparing 'actual' conditions detected in the operating phase (post-occupancy) with 'simulated' natural light conditions in the pre-occupancy phase, using calculation tools, field survey, simulation. Through the evaluation of the impacts of the different factors, we will try to identify design strategies to enhance the natural light in the hospital rooms.


PhD student or research fellow

Projects Year 2017

Technology transfer and design-driven innovation for the enhancement of the creative axis between university research laboratories and SMEs. Analysis, tools and methodologies for the design and development of innovative high-tech products - P.I. Dr. Angela Giambattista


Angela Giambattista


Start of Research


Sapienza University of Rome


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




5 months


Research objectives:

  • foster dialogue between the Lab. SDF and SMEs to stimulate R&D activities through design-driven-innovation;
  • disseminate tools and initiatives for technology transfer, stimulating innovative solutions based on industrial research and experimental development;
  • eXploit the excellence of the Lab. SDF (in terms of technologies and skills) for the development of products and processes within the Regional Specialisation Areas (RSAs);

  • stimulate processes of aggregation between the Lab. SDF and SMEs to improve the competitiveness of the production system through the discipline of Design.

Expected results:

  • the creation of an interactive tool containing a reasoned mapping of territorial SMEs connected to SRAs useful for the selection of potential productive realities for collaboration initiatives between Lab. SDF and the productive fabric;

  • the dissemination of research activities in scientific publications and conference.

Housing upcycling | Low cost approaches to urban housing renovation - P.I. Prof. Eliana Cangelli


Eliana Cangelli


In keeping with the EU2020 objectives, the research addresses regeneration of the existing public residential housing stock built in central-southern Italy in the 1960's-80's with industrialized procedures that produced, contrary to the underlying aims, new pockets of disadvantaged housing. This housing constitutes an area of intervention with common characteristics, badly lacking in terms of performance and quality, with its upgrading constituting one of the country's most critical emergencies. The research is meant to determine planning strategies of `overall sustainability '(technical, economic and operational) and elevated housing quality, while also establishing a new definition of the demand for change (problem setting) through an in-depth survey of the housing stock and the practical needs of the beneficiaries, plus a review of the most innovative strategies of regeneration implemented in similar EU contexts. With this background knowledge, real-life case studies can be analyzed using planning strategies based on innovative, `light ', up-to-date technologies for projects of expansion, stratification, reuse and micro-demolition involving spaces (indoor and outdoor) outside of the residential units, and thus more easily `tackled ', with a greater potential for functional, technological and environmental regeneration.

The results, produced under a systemic methodology suitable for reiteration in terms of factors of space-function, technology-construction and energy-environment on a building / neighborhood scale, shall be presented in a catalog of initiatives suitable for immediate application, contributing to the drafting of a project with international partners in response to one of the H2020 Work Program 2018-2020 calls concerning energy efficiency in buildings. On the national level, the results shall provide support materials for the development of strategic and project planning by public and private entities undertaking housing renovation initiatives.


ARBIZZANI Eugenio; BAIANI Serena; CLEMENTE Carola; CLEMENTE Maria Claudia; LIOTTA Marc'Antonio + (PhD student: Marilisa Cellulare) + (Other staff: Clerici Maestosi Paola; Chiarini Roberta; Conteduca Michele; Altamura Paola; Antinori Francesco; Civiero Paolo)

Italy and China. Historic Infrastructures and Ecological Networks for an Integrated Urban Regeneration - P.I. Prof. Laura Ricci


Laura Ricci


The research proposal is part of the international research activities that a Group of professors, researchers and scholars of the PDTA Department of Sapienza University of Rome has been carrying on for many years on the topic of contemporary city governance, with particular reference to policies, strategies and tools for urban and territorial regeneration. This topic is faced at international level in the framework of cultural and scientific exchanges with Institutions, Research Centers and Public and Private Universities, with specific relation to Mediterranean Europe, Latin America and Asia.

In this context, the proposed research, in continuity with the implemented joint research activities, and in particular with some Chinese Universities, will be aimed at defining and experiencing a "methodology" of intervention referenced to Italian and Chinese cities. This "methodology" simulates a planning process for the regeneration of urban fabrics characterized by a significant presence of historic and natural heritage.

This process sets as a final aim the construction of structural projects based on the strengthening of the relations between public space systems, historic infrastructures and environmental networks, recognizable within strategic planning zones, that require the use and the experimentation of innovative procedures, tools and implementing mechanisms.

Therefore, the research proposal adopts an inter-scalar and integrated approach, with the aim of reaching a framework of theoretical-methodological and operational references, to put in place an urban regeneration strategy, through three different disciplinary perspectives (structural, morphological, ecological- environmental) and three levels of planning (metropolitan, urban, local).


BIANCHI Giovanna; CIARDINI Francesco; GALASSI Antonella; VALORANI Carlo + (Research fellows: Poli Irene; Rossi Francesca; PhD student: Accica Francesca) + (Other staff: Zhang Jie; Chen Wei; Du Chunlan; Zhao Lin; Cialdea Donatella; Ravagnan Chiara)

Shared sustainability in urban redevelopment: research guidelines for innovation and inclusion in the implementation of urban and territorial policies - P.I. Prof. Paolo De Pascali


Paolo De Pascali


The proposal is in continuity and development of the researches of previous years concerning the sustainable environmental energy value in urban planning. The current research intends to study in proactive terms the integration of new inclusive and shared local sustainability canons in the implementation paths of urban and territorial policies, in particular those that lead to urban regeneration plans. These policy implementation paths play an important role as they serve to link the results of research producers with innovation projects and therefore with widespread application. This is a very critical and complex bond that often fails to materialize and jeopardizes the implementation and outcomes of programs.

The research intends to examine this step in particular for the introduction of innovation in urban regeneration policies in systems of extended governance. Main references are the urban and territorial policies and programs in progress which envisage the introduction of innovation in their implementation.

The planned activities are divided into the following tasks:

A) Concept mapping of Sharing Sustainability

B) Definition of Translational Research Canons in regeneration according to elements of the innovation offer and characteristics of demand, in consideration of the effects on socio-economic development, on the organization of the territory, on governance systems.

C) Investigations on four strategic application fields:

C1) Environmental energy value in redevelopment

C2) Enhancement of existing assets and resources

C3) Paths of shared and inclusive governance

C4) Institutionalization of participatory decision-making processes

D) Scenarios and operational addresses for the four operational fields

E) Validation with policy makers and implementing bodies

F) Consideration of any corrective feed back, publication of results, adaptation for teaching.


DELLA SCALA Maria Grazie; SCATTONI Paolo + (Trainee: Dinallo Giulia) + (Other staff: Annamaria Bagaini; Musacchio Clara; Di Rico Beniamino; Di Giacomo Donato Carmine; Reginaldi Michele; Alberti Valentina; Saolini Flavia; Battistelli Claudia; Bonaiuti Giulia; Ariani Camilla; Amadio Irene )

Multiparametric performance evaluation of the finishing materials of the distribution spaces for the fire prevention design of hospitals - P.I. Prof.ssa Tiziana Ferrante


Tiziana Ferrante


The obsolescence of hospital buildings, often due to poor maintenance, makes many of the existing structures inadequate for the functions they are required to perform today, especially in the face of the continuous need for technological and functional adaptation determined by the evolution of biomedical technologies. Among the most urgent interventions, those aimed at fire safety are of priority importance, reaffirmed by the recent Ministerial Decree of March 19, 2015 through specific timing and funding. Such interventions are often difficult to practice, such as the problem of the reaction to fire of the finishing materials of the distribution spaces (passive prevention measures) which represents one of the main causes of difficulty, forcing many designers to resort to increasing active measures (installations).

The research therefore has the objective of promoting sustainable adaptation starting from the "material" constitution of technological solutions, which represents the fulcrum around which performance is guaranteed with respect to the entire life cycle of the interventions.

The more specific objective is the creation of a database of finishing materials (database), which can be interfaced with the BIM platform, to support the entire development of the project, where the correlation between regulatory and performance data allows, through homogeneous methods of parametric performance evaluation. of the technical elements that configure hospital distribution spaces, to evaluate levels of compatibility and congruity of the design alternatives with the requirements not only of reaction to fire, but also of maintainability and appearance. Therefore, levels of appropriateness of the specific material choices of the individual solutions will be defined through a set of codified and strictly interrelated checks, facilitating the management of the consistent flow of information linked to the innovation of the production sector.


MANCUSO Eugenio; VILLANI Teresa + (PhD student: Paoloni Francesca) + (Other staff: Spirito Alessia; Giomi Gioacchino; Oddi Angelo; Rasconi Riccardo)

Feel Good: development of new types of products intended for university environments, for acoustic comfort on a perceptual-sensorial basis - P.I. Prof.ssa Sabrina Lucibello


Sabrina Lucibello


The research aims at the development of new design products useful for responding to the ever more prevalent need for perceptual-sensorial comfort, with a particular focus on the acoustic one that the WHO counts among the most important health problems in the next 20 years.

For this reason it is planned to create one (or more) pilot products (from the concept to its prototyping and verification), intended in particular for acoustic comfort in university environments (libraries, classrooms, halls, laboratories), developing an innovative and " nomadic". In addition to the spatial and performance aspects, therefore, also those related to the so-called soft qualities (color, materials, shapes) that affect perceptual, synaesthetic and sensorial levels and that can make the difference in terms of guaranteeing personal comfort will be carefully evaluated. because it is able to counteract the perceptive disorientation deriving from overload, for example, of contrasting simultaneous perceptions or empathic non-congruence.

The specific choice of the target, i.e. the university environments, is in fact instrumental but very pertinent as it will allow us to concretely verify the functioning of the developed product (s), also thanks to the involvement of HUB Saperi & Co. both as a fablab and as a coworking area also to the involvement of multiple disciplines and multiple subjects (students, PhD students, researchers) of the various faculties of Sapienza.


CECCHINI Cecilia; CRISTALLO Vincenzo + (Research fellow: Bianchi Roberto; PhD student: Mossaffa Orkide) + (Other staff: Sacco Roberta)

European cities of the Mediterranean and immigration. New demand for housing and services and urban planning in metropolitan areas. Rome and Athens - P.I. Prof. Saverio Santangelo


Saverio Santangelo


The Evaluator warns that the 2017 research project would be the continuation of the project financed in 2016 (Immigration and cities. Socio-demographic changes and urban planning in "Metropolitan cities" in the short-medium term). In this logic, and in relation to the objective of extending the research to other areas of Mediterranean Europe, the project was integrated into its group with two colleagues from the universities of Athens and Thessaloniki.

In 2016, both the migratory flows and the decrease and aging of the indigenous population and the alarms on the demographic decline of Italian society continued in our country. Therefore, the working hypotheses of the initial project remain valid for which the already funded research (2016) was launched in the past months that we would like to expand with the 2017 project.

In Italy, in order to keep the working age population constant, over the next twenty years, we would have to welcome 325,000 potential new workers per year. It is therefore understood that the condition of only crossing our country by migrants is not the most desirable also according to our demographic and socio-economic perspective. In this sense, territorial and urban planning, which must take into account demographic dynamics as a quantitative and qualitative basis of the "demand for cities" and territorial organization, are directly involved in these problems.

The objectives of the 2017 project are: i) to understand the urban planning problems posed by the new demand for housing and services, in particular in the metropolitan areas of Rome and Athens, which are in many ways comparable; ii) assess the social, economic and environmental aspects; iii) propose guidelines for urban planning solutions that are socially, economically and quickly feasible, which can be integrated into urban contexts and which build cohesion rather than fuel conflicts.


BASILE Elizabeth; CECCHI Claudio + (PhD students: Musacchio Clara; Nicolarea Panayota) (Other staff: Perrone Francesca; Bagaini Annamaria; Skordilis Sophia; Kalogeresis Athanasios; Cutrì Maria Teresa; Polli Corrado)

Requalification, regulatory adaptation and energy-environmental sustainability of the national building heritage built between 1900-1973: intervention criteria through the use of digital BIM tools and their Energy and Heritage declinations in case studies on the heritage of wisdom - P.I. Prof.ssa Adriana Scarlet Sferra


Adriana Scarlet Sferra


The Italian building heritage, especially the one built before 1973 which constitutes 55%, has characteristics far from the current standards required, due to the construction techniques used, the materials, the poor maintenance and the absence of Italian and Community, which at the time of construction imposed restrictions on seismic safety and energy and environmental performance. There are therefore critical issues that entail less comfort for users, greater management costs for cooling and / or heating, intolerable levels of environmental pollution.

In the need of a profound renovation and adaptation to current standards, since the building renewal rate is rather low, intervening on the existing building stock, with a close integration of the building, plant engineering and home automation component, can bring objective economic, social and environmental, in the direction traced by the EU directives and with the aim of respecting the Community commitments of 2020 and 2030.

In this context, the research proposed, in focusing the interest on the period 1900-1973 which represents about a third of the existing building stock, aims to elaborate markedly operative guidelines, to be made available to a public client to elaborate studies of technical-economic feasibility in terms of cost / benefit ratio, planning and contracting redevelopment interventions, regulatory compliance and energy-environmental sustainability; these Guidelines will have the characteristic of being "agile" in use as they are processed in a virtual environment using digital tools such as BIM and its specific forms of Energy (EBIM) and Heritage (HBIM).

The guidelines will be applied to case studies selected on a sample basis from the Sapienza buildings built in the same period.


CUMO Fabrizio; MANCINI Francesco + (PhD student: De Lieto Vollaro Barbara) + (Other staff: Rosa Flavio)

Resilient Design: design guidelines and technical-implementation strategies for the control of the microclimatic and energy quality of the urban environment in Italy - P.I. Prof. Fabrizio Tucci


Fabrizio Tucci


In our country, recent data from a research carried out by Eurostat (Statistical Office of the European Union) indicate that a percentage of the population equal to about 36% lives in large urban centers, while 44% in areas defined as intermediate (in small areas cities and in the intermediate provinces), thus delineating a situation that sees about 80% of the total population living in urban systems, whether large or small. But it is precisely the urbanized areas that are the most problematic territorial contexts in relation to the microclimatic conditions and, more particularly, to the phenomena of heat islands, heat waves and pluvial flooding, which in a regime of climate change are progressively increasing in size. intensity and which have very strong repercussions on the issues of environmental comfort, energy consumption, related emissions, and the healthiness of the air and the environment.

Within this scenario, the research proposes the study and development of design guidelines and technical-implementation strategies, which take into account the case studies and experiences currently implemented or in progress in the world, and technologies, including innovative ones. , available, to accentuate the adaptive and resilient capacities to heat wave and heat island phenomena in Italian cities, to control and mitigate the negative aspects on a microclimatic and energy-thermal level, and at the same time to increase their quality in relationship to the conditions of comfort, liveability and environmental healthiness.

The main innovative scope of the Research is to strategically identify for Italian cities what the Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 asks of us, a framework of "permanently mutable" systems, that is, capable of guaranteeing different performances, long-lasting and adaptable to dynamism. the effects of the climate change regime on the part of the architectures and urban spaces under study.


D'OLIMPIO Domenico; DEL CIMMUTO Angela; DI PIETRO Romeo + (PhD students: Boni Daniele; Fiore Cristina; Montereale Emanuele; Vespa Giuseppina)

Design for the protection, enhancement and redevelopment of the system of objects and furnishings of the University City of Rome - P.I. Prof.ssa Federica Dal Falco


Federica Dal Falco


The area of interest of the research is that of Design for Cultural Heritage, in its aspects of protection and enhancement of systems of objects and furnishings of the twentieth century. The proposal is in continuity with the university research funded in 2013 and the results achieved with scientific publications in recent years. The field of application of the research concerns the study of the culture of design in the Roman context between 1930 and 1940, years in which the formation of an autonomous culture of design is manifested, between artisanal and industrial production. The system of artefacts object of the research refers to the University City of Rome which, from the urban plan to the smallest detail, is one of the most interesting examples of integral design, a peculiar trait of Italian modernity. External and internal objects and furnishings which, together with the architecture in which they are kept, constitute a reference of undoubted scientific, historical and documentary interest. Their value can also be considered autonomously because they represent the figurative, technological, productive and communicative culture of the period, through which it is possible to observe the birth of an aesthetic of modernity. The research, starting from the examination of archival sources, documents and publications of the time and the most recent studies on the subject, proposes the achievement of two objectives: a historical-critical scientific publication on the typological categories of furnishings and objects considered exemplary as a "material testimony having the value of civilization" and a proposal for the redevelopment of the external spaces of the Piacentine quadrilateral whose theme is the design of outdoor artefacts that respond to the needs of a contemporary campus. The research thus arises between tradition and methodologies of knowledge and protection of the existing and innovation with the concept of enhancing the external spaces of the University City.


Luigi Riccitiello (Photomedialab Technical Manager / PDTA Department), Raul Cunca (Associate Professor FBAUL - Faculdade de Belas Artes Universidade de Lisboa)

Hospital outdoor environment: researching through post occupancy evaluation - P.I. Prof.ssa Francesca Giofré


Francesca Giofrè


The proposed research is in continuity with what has been developed in the book Giofre 'F., Dukanovic Z. (2016), Health Spaces. Hospital outdoor Environment, which through a series of contributions by Italian and Serbian researchers investigates the relationship between city and hospital, open spaces of relevance and hospital structure. Starting from the assumption of the value of outdoor spaces as a resource to be enhanced and able to activate processes that promote well-being (Marcus, Barnes, 1999; Ulrich, 2001; Van Den Berg, Wagenaar, 2006), the proposed research intends develop a survey on the open spaces of hospitals located in different parts of the world, through direct interviews with users, with the main objective of investigating the quality filtered by the perception of the interviewees and developing guidelines for the design, with attention addressed to the reference context. To this end, the research involves a network of architects, professors and university researchers who work in various capacities in the healthcare construction sector, who over the years have received specific training on the subject in the II level Master at Sapienza, Faculty of Architecture. "Architectures for Health" (6 editions).

The research project has already started and the local representatives have been identified, who have selected the case studies, according to the criteria indicated by the proposer. The countries involved are: Albania, Cyprus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo (Europe); Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, Sudan, Kenya (Africa); Guatemala, Ecuador (Latin America). The research develops and applies a work methodology that can be repeated in other contexts, created and tested with the collaboration of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade (Serbia) with which the research was started. The requested funding is aimed at processing the data and disseminating the results through a publication and articles in international journals.


Zoran Djukanovic (Associate Professor Faculty of Architecture of Belgrade)

RE-BUILDING THE PUBLIC SPACE: strategies, tools and projects for urban regeneration - P.I. Prof.ssa Carmela Mariano


Carmela Mariano


The Proposal is part of the national and international research activities that professors Carmela Mariano and Laura Valeria Ferretti have been addressing for years on the theme of the Urban Project and the construction of public space as the foundation of the urban regeneration processes of the contemporary city.

The European economy is going through the worst recession, in terms of intensity and duration, since the war, a crisis, both economic and social, which is affecting most of the big cities and is having undoubted effects on urban transformation processes, anchored to the premise of growth. , in some cases canceling the driving role of the urban transformations themselves or, at least, reducing it considerably.

Urban planning policies and design choices foreshadow, today, a necessary change of pace and a different development model, which implies an overall rethinking of some practices and methods of intervention by now consolidated and, at the same time, the need for a profound revision themes, approaches, intervention tools, starting from a structural reading of the dynamics of transformation that affect the territories of the contemporary city.

In this context, the Proposal pursues the objective of defining new methodological-experimental and operational references for the construction of public space in relation to the different settlement contexts of the contemporary city, with particular reference to the territorial context of the Roman metropolitan area.


Laura Valeria Ferretti, Giorgia Scognamiglio (Architect at the Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome), Andrea Iacomoni (Architect / Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome), Ilaria Cellini (PhD at the Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome )

Implementation of the 'Smart Specialization Strategy' Policy in European Union Urban Regions. Ideas for the Lazio Region and Rome metropolitan area looking at the 'Innovation District' phenomenon in United States - P.I. Prof. Bruno Monardo


Buno Monardo


The research project aims to highlight the crucial challenge that European Regions are called to face applying the European Union policy well known as `Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialization (RIS3) for pursuing the virtuous implementation of Cohesion principles and Europe 2020 Agenda.

In the on-going process of RIS3 policy implementation, besides the specific attention to the so called lagging regions, it is emerging the critical condition of other relevant territorial realities, as the Lazio Region and its Rome metropolitan area, that have been suffering, since the beginning of the global crisis, an alarming economic, social, cultural and institutional decline. The RIS3 policy for Lazio probably represents the most important opportunity and challenge to be managed for flipping its present delicate condition and chasing new horizons of thriving redevelopment.

The research intends to highlight how it is possible to rethink Lazio s RIS3 interpretation by denying the uncritical and ineffective reproduction of conventional socio-economic and territorial redevelopment visions that risk to be embraced by the weakest and less organized regional institutions. In this respect, intriguing ideas are emerging from the United States with the on-going cluster strategy and the interesting phenomenon of the Innovation Districts.

The research aims to build a critical framework of appropriate case studies (as the Greater Boston area and the San Diego County), whose lessons can be significant especially for the flexible geometry approach in the governance style clearly emerging from the different experiences.

In the Lazio Region, in order to build original RIS3 interpretations integrating the place-based sensitiveness and the entrepreneurial discovery-led innovation process, it is necessary to support bottom up initiatives both business and social oriented rather than privilege only top down, economic and ` real estate planning initiatives.


Anna Laura Palazzo (Associate Professor Department of Architecture, University of Roma Tre), Pietro Valentino (Director of 'Economics of Culture' Association of Economics of Culture), Nico Calavita (Professor Emeritus School of Public Affairs, San Diego State University - CA, USA) , Gregory Wassall (Associate Professor Department of Economics, Northeastern University Boston MA, USA)

Luigi Piccinato and the urban planning of urban districts after the war - P.I. Prof. Sergio Fabio Zevi


Sergio Fabio Zevi


PhD student or research fellow

Projects Year 2016

The Villages of Hospitality Enhancement of Cultural Heritage, production strategies and eco-solidarity services for territorial development models - P.I. Prof. Alessandra Battisti


Alessandra Battisti


University Research Project


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




1 year


The research developed design guidelines for the redevelopment of Italian rural villages - now depopulated - to foster architectural regeneration, local productivity, energy production and efficiency, and migrant hosting activities


Gal of Erice, Sicily Region


Alessandra Battisti, Marina Docci, Alfonso Giancotti, Maurizio Marcera, Luca Reale, Lorenzo Paglione, Fabrizio Tucci, Emanuele Montereale, Egle Ministeri, Flavia Laureti, Daniele Boni, Iole Donsante.

Bio-packaging made with materials from the agri-food chain - P.I. Prof.ssa Cecilia Cecchini


Cecilia Cecchini


CLEMENTE Maria Claudia; LUCIBELLO Sabrina + (PhD student: DIONISI Tania)

SI Boosting inclusiveness of ICT-enabled research and innovation: cohesion and technological innovation for 'difficult urban' areas - P.I. Prof.ssa Daniela De Leo


Daniela De Leo



The territorial project for the protection and integrated enhancement of the historical urban heritage: strategies, processes and actions - P.I. Prof. Giacinto Donvito


Giacinto Donvito


LACE Barbara, ZEVI Sergio Fabio + (1 PhD student)

Lithic design. Design-led innovation and development processes in the stone materials industry - P.I. Prof. Carlo Martino


Carlo Martino



Mediterranean Europe. Urban and metropolitan rebalancing strategies and construction of the public city - P.I. Prof. Laura Ricci


Laura Ricci


BELFIORE Emanuela; DRAWERS Roberto; CIARDINI Francesco; MARIANO Carmela; VALORANI Carlo

Immigration and cities. Socio-demographic changes and urban planning in "metropolitan cities" in the short-medium term - P.I. Prof. Saverio Santangelo


Saverio Santangelo


BASILE Elizabeth; CECCHI Claudio; MACCHI Silvia + (4 PhD students)

Development of retrofit integrated solutions for hydrogendriven GAHP (Gas Absorption Heat Pump) - P.I. Prof. Fabrizio Cumo


Fabrizio Cumo


CASINI Marco; DE SANTOLI Livio; MANCINI Francesco; SFERRA Adriana Scarlet + (Research fellow: Lo Basso Gianluigi)

Smart technology and design in Ambient Assisted Living for the aging society. Smart technologies and design in domestic environments (AAL) for an aging society: from user needs to project specifications for dedicated services - P.I. Prof. Eugenio Arbizzani


Eugenio Arbizzani


CLEMENTE Carola; GIOVENALE Anna Maria; LIOTTA Marc'Antonio + (PhD student: Civiero Paolo) + (Other staff: Barbanera Federica; Cellurale Marilisa; Magnisi Riccardo; Porro Livia)

MEDONIA.LAB. The design for the safeguarding of Posidonia Oceanica - P.I. Prof. Vincenzo Cristallo


Vincenzo Cristallo


PhD student or research fellow

Design for Cultural Institutions. Narrative Experience Museum: Prototype project for the knowledge and enhancement of small and medium-sized museums in Rome and Lazio. ExperienceMuseum # ChatWithArts - P.I. Prof. Federica Dal Falco


Federica Dal Falco


PhD student or research fellow

Wayfinding and environmental configuration in museums for the promotion of cultural heritage and sustainability: innovative materials and technical solutions - P.I. Prof.ssa Teresa Villani


Teresa Villani


PhD student or research fellow

Projects Year 2014

Thermally active surface in Social Housing building retrofitting - P.I. Prof.ssa Alessandra Battisti


Alessandra Battisti


University Research Project


Sapienza University of Rome


Research Network Coordinator (Principal Investigator)




1 year


The research explored the various application, conceptual and design fields of the technological strand of both opaque and transparent thermo-active systems, ranging from the study and development of systems related to thermal storage and thermodynamics in general, to elements designed for cooling.


LSM Composite srl, Laminan Spa


Alessandra Battisti, Spartaco Paris, Egle Ministeri