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Day-workshop for the development of an installation (48x48cm) to be exhibited in the "Students as Researchers: Creative Practice and University Education" section of the Venice Architecture Biennale that will open on May 18th

"Charrette 18th Architecture Biennale" (let's make it 48!)

"Charrette 18th Architecture Biennale" (let's make it 48!), is the day-workshop for the development of an installation (48x48cm) to be exhibited in the "Students as Researchers: Creative Practice and University Education" section of the Venice Architecture Biennale that will open on May 18th.

The day-workshop will be held on April 13rd h.9-18 at the Master's Room on the 2nd floor of the PDTA Department and will entitle to 1CFU furtherlearning.

The working group is coordinated by professors Alessandra Battisti-Andrea Iacomoni-Sabrina Lucibello-Mosè Ricci;

Tutors: Alberto Calenzo, Livia Calcagni, Diana Ciufo, Chiara Del Gesso, Ilva Hoxhaj,Angelo Figliola, Silvia Sangrisio;

and 48 selected students of Architettura – Rigenerazione Urbana / Architecture – Urban Regeneration; Design, Comunicazione Visiva e Multimediale / Design, Multimedia and Visual Communication; Product and Service Design.


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Brochure (999.42 KB)