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Day-workshop for the development of an installation (48x48cm) to be exhibited in the "Students as Researchers: Creative Practice and University Education" section of the Venice Architecture Biennale that will open on May 18th

"Charrette 18th Architecture Biennale" (let's make it 48!), is the day-workshop for the development of an installation (48x48cm) to be exhibited in the "Students as Researchers: Creative Practice and University Education" section of the Venice Architecture Biennale that will open on May 18th.

The day-workshop will be held on April 13rd h.9-18 at the Master's Room on the 2nd floor of the PDTA Department and will entitle to 1CFU furtherlearning.

The working group is coordinated by professors Alessandra Battisti-Andrea Iacomoni-Sabrina Lucibello-Mosè Ricci;

Tutors: Alberto Calenzo, Livia Calcagni, Diana Ciufo, Chiara Del Gesso, Ilva Hoxhaj,Angelo Figliola, Silvia Sangrisio;

and 48 selected students of Architettura – Rigenerazione Urbana / Architecture – Urban Regeneration; Design, Comunicazione Visiva e Multimediale / Design, Multimedia and Visual Communication; Product and Service Design.

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