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Outreach Agreements and Conventions - Year 2022


Municipality of Cocullo (AQ) - Municipality of Villalago (AQ)

Type of Convention: scientific cooperation concerning the support of measures for a knowledge transfer related to sustainable and energy-efficient environmental enhancement and requalification of smaller-sized historic centres, encouraging the development of new cultural, behavioural and project models and design realities based on participation through a proposal for permanent technical discussions.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Alessandra Battisti

Year: 2022

Protected Marine Area of the Meloria Shoals

Type of Convention: cooperation concerning research, experimentation, training, advanced training and lifelong education activities, compatible with Academics and Researchers skills of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA).

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Carlo Martino

Year: 2022

Roma Capitale

Type of Convention: cooperation in providing a qualified specialist training that allows all learners to achieve tools and skills required to enable them to develop project proposals suitable for demands and operating procedures of local authorities, including large-sized ones, and to offer new opportunities of promotion of scientific knowledge in the Rome Capital area.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Saverio Santangelo

Year: 2022

Ministry of Culture (MIC)

Type of Convention: cooperation on the preparation of the candidacy of "Via Appia. Regina Viarum" site for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List, through studies and research on environmental and climatic aspects.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Fabrizio Tucci

Year: 2022

Twain Cultural Association (TWAIN_CPD)

Type of Convention: cooperation on the achievement of common goals such as knowledge productive transfer for innovation and development of the artistic, theatrical, musical, dance and visual and performing arts culture.

Scientific Supervisors: Prof. Laura Ricci, Prof. Carlo Martino, Prof. Luca Ruzza

Year: 2022

Tuscany Southeast AUSL (Local Public Health Center)

Type of Convention: cooperation on the user-centered design, service design, on the effects of technological change with specific reference to the behavioural aspects of cyber security.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Di Nocera

Year: 2022

Azienda Speciale Palaexpo
Type of Convention: scientific cooperation on the training activities (traineeships, conventions, seminars, guided tours) addressed to the students of the Degree Course in DCVM (Design, Multimedia and Visual Communication) in relation to the exhibition "Il video rende felici. Videoarte in Italia.".
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Federica Dal Falco
Year: 2022
Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association (AISM)

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, experimentation, training, advanced training, lifelong education and professional training activities, within the areas of Academics and Researchers skills of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA).

Scientific Supervisors: Prof. Laura Ricci, Dr. Maurizio Francesco Errigo

Year: 2022

Municipality of Riesi (Caltanissetta)

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, experimentation, training, advanced training, lifelong education and professional training activities, within the areas of Academics and Researchers skills of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA).

Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Maurizio Francesco Errigo

Year: 2022

Ministry of Economic Development (MISE)

ype of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, experimentation, training, advanced training, lifelong education and professional training activities, within the areas of the Ministry and of Academics and Researchers skills of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA).

Scientific Supervisors: Prof. Carlo Martino, Prof. Laura Ricci, Prof. Federica Dal Falco, Prof. Luca Ruzza 

Year: 2022

Central Institute for Intangible Heritage (ICPI)

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, experimentation, training, advanced training, lifelong education and professional training activities, within the areas of the Institute and of Academics and Researchers skills of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA).

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Luca Ruzza 

Year: 2022


Type of Convention: cooperation on the training and research in the field of ICT, GIS, BIM, Digital Twin and artificial intelligence systems applied to energy and maintenance management and to building and infrastructures security.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Fabrizio Cumo

Year: 2022

Municipality of Calascio (AQ) 

Type of Convention: cooperation on the training and research in the field of ICT, GIS, BIM, Digital Twin and artificial intelligence systems applied to energy and maintenance management and to building and infrastructure security.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Fabrizio Cumo

Year: 2022

Municipality of Favignana - Aegadian Islands (TP) 

Type of Convention: cooperation on the conduct of studies and research and on the organisation of seminars, conventions and training paths (workshop, laboratories, summer schools) mostly in scientific areas of design disciplines of urban and landscape, environment, Cultural Heritage and Activities regeneration, taking into account the thematic lines drawn by EU Green Deal and New European Bauhaus, with particular reference to nature, features and risks of smaller centres and of Mediterranean landscape, also in relation to ongoing climate change and to anthropic pressure in critical contexts.

Scientific Supervisors: Prof. Laura Ricci, Prof. Mosè Ricci

Year: 2022

Municipality of Cirò (KR) 

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, experimentation, training, advanced training, lifelong education and professional training activities, within the areas of the Municipality of Cirò and of Academics and Researchers skills of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA).

Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Andrea Iacomoni

Year: 2022

Type of Convention: cooperation on the municipal offices coordination, as well as for territorial planning in the energy and tourism field. 
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Daniela De Leo
Year: 2022
Ozyegin University - Istanbul - Turkey 

Foreign Institution Referent: Prof. Alessandro Camiz

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Alessandra De Cesaris

Year: 2022


Type of Convention: cooperation on research programmes, organisation of scientific meetings and workshops, Academics exchange and collaboration in publications and scientific papers, with specific reference to disciplinary field of territorial and urban planning, but extendable also to other disciplinary fields of interest of the Department.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Carmela Mariano

Year: 2022

 School of Architecture Soochow University - China 

Foreign Institution Referent: Prof. Yezheng Tang

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Laura Ricci

Year: 2022

Xi' an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (United Kingdom-China) 

Foreign Institution Referent: Prof. Marco Cimillo

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Fabrizio Tucci

Year: 2022

Province of Viterbo 

Type of Agreement: research activity supporting the subscription of the Agreement of Lago, Fiume and Costa Bolsena Marta Tarquinia.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Daniela De Leo

Year: 2022