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Outreach Agreements and Conventions - Year 2021


Municipality of Pesaro

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, experimentation, training, advanced training, lifelong education and professional training activities, within the areas of the Municipality of Pesaro and of Academics and Researchers skills of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA).

Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Andrea Iacomoni

Year: 2021

Local Authority for the Right to Education and Knowledge (DiSCo)

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, integrated didactics, laboratory activities and labour market orientation synergies, in the areas of interest of the Degree Course in Design and other Courses, relating to the Department, that will join together within it.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Sabrina Lucibello

Year: 2021

Casal Monastero Sports and Socio-Cultural Association

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, experimentation, training, advanced training, lifelong education and professional training activities, within the areas of the Casal Monastero Sports and Socio-Cultural Association and of Academics and Researchers skills of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA).

Scientific Supervisors: Prof. Carlo Martino, Prof. Carmela Mariano

Year: 2021

Capitoline Superintendence of Cultural Heritage 

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, experimentation, training, advanced training, lifelong education and professional training activities, within the areas of the Ministry and of Academics and Researchers skills of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA).

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Carlo Martino

Year: 2021

Municipality of Favignana - Aegadian Islands (TP) 

Type of Convention: cooperation on the establishment of the International Centre for Studies, Research and Training on the Landscapes and Ways of the Mediterranean "Favignana MedWays", whose mission is a scientific cooperation concerning research activities (with the related seminar and conference activity), experimentation, training, advanced training and lifelong education activities, within the areas of competence.

Scientific Supervisors: Prof. Laura Ricci, Prof. Mosè Ricci

Year: 2021

"Primavera Planetaria ASP" Social Promotion Association

Type of Convention:  scientific cooperation on the research, experimentation, dissemination, training, advanced training and lifelong education activities, which constitute essential part of this Agreement, with particular reference to the regeneration of public spaces as a starting point for urban regeneration processes.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Carlo Valorani

Year: 2021

Central Institute for Intangible Heritage - Ministry of Culture (ICPI)

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of protection, valorisation, documentation and preservation of anthropological and intangible cultural heritage activities, also through study, in-depth and experimentation projects in order to identify the most effective and appropriate intervention procedures.

Scientific Supervisors: Prof. Laura Ricci, Prof. Carlo Martino

Year: 2021

Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Salento

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, experimentation, training, advanced training, lifelong education and professional training activities, within the areas of common interests of the Parties.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Luca Ruzza

Year: 2021

Academia Belgica 

Type of Convention: scientific and cultural cooperation agreement.

Scientific Supervisors:

For the PDTA Department: Prof. Laura Ricci, Prof. Federica Dal Falco, Prof. Alessandra De Cesaris, Prof. Carlo Martino, Prof. Irene Poli

For Academia Belgica: the Director Dr. Sabine Van Sprang and Dr. Charles Bossu

Year: 2021

Municipality of Siena 

Type of Convention: cooperation on the development of research, experimentation, training, advanced training, lifelong education and professional training activities, within the areas of the Municipality of Siena and of Academics and Researchers skills of the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture (PDTA).

Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Andrea Iacomoni

Year: 2021

School of Design, HUNAN UNIVERSITY 

Type of Convention: cooperation on the promotion of education activities of the Degree Course in Design through the organization of a group exhibition of students' projects to be carried out, supporting the cultural and scientific cooperation among international institutions through the organization of seminars to compare didactic and research experiences.  

Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Angela Giambattista

Year: 2021

China-Italy Design Innovation Hub, TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY

Type of Convention: cooperation on the promotion of education activities of the Degree Course in Design through the organisation of a group exhibition of students' projects to be carried out, supporting the cultural and scientific cooperation among international institutions through the organisation of seminars to compare didactic and research experiences.  

Scientific Supervisor: Dr. Angela Giambattista

Year: 2021

University of Tehran

Scientific Supervisors:

For the University of Tehran: Prof. Mazehrian

For the PDTA Department: Prof. Alessandra De Cesaris

Year: 2021

Zhejiang Dinmei Intelligent Decoration Co., Ltd. Jiaxing (China)

Type of Convention: Research in design for the development of a modular system of furnishings designed starting with Dinmei Company's products, intended for the Chinese market within the project entitled "Modular Interior Design. An Italian vision for a contemporary Chinese house." The innovation of the research, that intends to transfer the know-how and the culture of Made in Italy in the Asian country, lies both in figurative and technical aspects, with particular attention to the sensorial, expressive and comfort aspects of materials, to the installation and mounting systems of the individual units and of the whole.

Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Federica Dal Falco

Year: 2021

Viktor Malakuczi ARS 

Type of Convention: Study and experimentation of innovative models for the realisation of archaeological finds.

Scientific Supervisor: Viktor Malakuczi 

Year: 2021