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Meeting with STUDIO AZZURRO: Presentation Story bearers. Bearers of stories

Accessibility as an Aesthetic Principle in the Field of Performing Arts

On March 15 in the Master Classroom at Via Flaminia 72, as part of the event "Accessibility as an Aesthetic Principle in the Field of Performing Arts", winner project of the Avvio alle Terze Missioni Sapienza 2022 call curated by Flavia Dalila D'Amico and Diana Ciufo, an in-depth discussion on and with Studio Azzurro will be held.

Taking a cue from the recent publication "Story Bearers. Bearers of Stories" (ICONE, Mimesis, 2023) we intend to outline a backward and forward path of Studio Azzurro's interest in some situations of isolation and marginality, of communities and individuals, who live a condition of difficult integration with society.

Dialogues: Laura Marcolini, Francesca Pola, Fabio Cirifino and Valentina Valentini

This is followed by the screening of a selection of videos by Studio Azzurro


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Program (265.37 KB)