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Accessibility as art practice. A year of experimentation between art, co-design and social justice

Accessibility as an aesthetic principle in the field of performing arts - final event

On March 15 from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Master Classroom at Via Flaminia 72, the final event of the project "Accessibility as an aesthetic principle in the field of performing arts" will be held: a year of experimentation between accessibility, art, co-design and social justice with special guest STUDIO AZZURRO.


Announcement Sapienza Outreach launch 2022 (Third Missions launch 2022) edited by Flavia Dalila D'Amico and Diana Ciufo

Accessibility as an art practice in the performing arts is a project curated by Flavia Dalila D'Amico and Diana Ciufo. The final event recounts a year of experimentation that involved students from the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture at Rome La Sapienza, alongside organizations, cultural operators and associations in the city of Rome. Through the co-design methodology, the program emerged as a form of cultural co-creation together with stakeholders (artists and blind and visually impaired audiences).

The project activated important collaborations on the city and national level with performing arts production and promotion entities such as: ORBITA|Spellbound Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza di Roma, CSS Teatro Stabile di Innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Short Theatre festival; with professional associations such as Al.Di.Qua.Artists, New Voices Lab and Unioni Ciechi Giovani Roma; and with the valuable support of the research and services infrastructure of Sapienza University of Rome such as Saperi & Co.

The event recounts the various stages of the project through the voices of those involved and the outputs produced including a Master's thesis, an accessible audiovisual project, and a tactile model of a scene. The event closes with a meeting with Studio Azzurro, an artistic collective that has been experimenting with technologies since the 1980s through a practice of plural storytelling that solicits different sensibilities. Taking a cue from the recent publication Portatori di storia. Portatori di storie (ICONE, Mimesis, 2023), a path backwards and forwards of Studio Azzurro's interest in some situations of isolation and marginality, of communities and individuals, who live a condition of difficult integration with society is outlined.

Conversation between: Laura Marcolini, Francesca Pola, Fabio Cirifino and Valentina Valentini

Follow thescreening of a selection of videos by Studio Azzurro:

  • Tagheire, 2006, 5’ 
  • Sensible maps, “Interaction #3”, 2008, 4’28’’
  • La quarta scala, 2008 - 3’44’’
  • Estrella del desierto, Cile 2011, 4’46’’
  • Da vicino nessuno è normale, 2012, 6’22’’
  • In Principio e poi, 2013, 4’08’’
  • Bamiyan Living Culture. A diary about a project, 2017, 4';


  • 10.00 Introduction by Luca Ruzza, PDTA Associate Professor and project mentor
  • 10.30- 10.45 Presentation by Flavia Dalila D'Amico and Diana Ciufo
  • 10.45- 11.15 Presentation THE ENVIRONMENT WE FEEL acoustic practices workshop conducted in collaboration with Short Theatre festival curated by Leonardo Zaccone e Giuseppe Silvi
  • 11.15- 11.45 Presentation CREAZIONI ACCESSIBILI, artistic residency of ORBITA|Spellbound National Center for Dance Production, curated by Margherita Galeotti and Flavia Dalila D'Amico
  • 11.45- 12.15 Coffee break
  • 12.30- 13.00 Presentation of the tactile model made in collaboration with artist Giuliano Scarpinato and Saperi & Co. Curated by Diana Ciufo
  • 13.00-13.30 NEW VOICES LAB presentation by Unioni Ciechi Giovani
  • 13.30 - 15.00 Lunch Break
  • 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Book Presentation Portatori di storia. Portatori di storie (ICONE, Mimesis, 2023) by Studio Azzurro with: Laura Marcolini, Francesca Pola, Fabio Cirifino and Valentina Valentini followed by video projection from the cycle Bearers of Stories by Studio Azzurro.
Data notizia


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