- Design
Design | Language: Italian | Degree Code: L-4
President of Degree Course: Prof.ssa Sabrina Lucibello (sabrina.lucibello@uniroma1.it)
Student Amministration Office: Via Emanuele Gianturco, 2 - 00196 ROMA (ground floor)
Emanuela Tiveron: emanuela.tiveron@uniroma1.it
tel 06 49919375 - int. 29375 fax: 06 49919347
- Project Management in Building Construction
Project Management in Building Construction | Language: Italian | Degree Code: L-23
President of Degree Course: Prof. Fabrizio Cumo
Educational Office
Elisa Amodio elisa.amodio@uniroma1.it
tel 06 49919320 - int. 29320Via Emanuele Gianturco, 2 - 00196 ROMA (6° floor)