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Call for Visions - New public space for contemporary Iranian cities

The call is the first initiative of Iran_Lab|Shared Research and Teaching (scientific coordinator A. De Cesaris) created in December 2022 within the Internationalization Unit (scientific coordinator prof. Federica Dal Falco) of the PDTA Department, Sapienza University of Rome.

The call is part of the debate and experimentations of new forms and figurations of public space between tradition and innovation. In particular, visions capable of configuring new public spaces to provide answers to the new needs of contemporary life of Iranian cities considering that the integration of architecture, urban planning, arts and design is an inescapable matrix of Iranian culture. 

Submissions to the call should include text and images that will be subjected to a jury.

Proposals should be sent to the email address by no later than 30 June 2023

For the submission are required :

- Title and subtitle of the proposal
- Author and affiliation
- Keywords (max 5)
- Text, in English, (min 500 words - max 700 words). The text may be accompanied by drawings
- Maximum 5 tables A3 pdf format

Authors of selected proposals will later be asked to send the material in 300 dpi tiff format for an exhibition and a publication.


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