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15° CTV Roma 2025 | Webinars

15° CTV Roma 2025 | Webinars

The 15th International Congress CTV City and Virtual Territory "Towards the Renaissance of the City" takes its first steps with three introductory webinars. It begins on Thursday, February 27 with "hashtag#Cities in Transition: Social, Strategic and Practical Perspectives on hashtag#UrbanRegeneration", coordinated by Lourenço Urbano Gimenes (Mackenzie University of São Paulo, Brazil), in English. On March 13, it continues with "hashtag#RealEstate and hashtag#Heritagehashtag#Reuse", coordinated by Hilde Remøy (Delft University of Technology), also in English, and concludes on March 27 with "hashtag#Climate and hashtag#NaturalRiskhashtag#ResilientCities. Nature state of mind", coordinated by Blanca Arellano Ramos (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)), in Spanish.
All webinars will be broadcast on the Google Meet platform of Sapienza Università di Roma at 5pm GMT+1 (17.00 CET Central European Time)  and will be made available on the 15th CTV Roma 2025 Youtube channel.






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